Sunday, August 27, 2023

Emergence 2023 LIVE Results

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Who will conquer all obstacles and emerge victorious? Find out when IMPACT Wrestling presents Emergence LIVE TONIGHT at 8pm ET on IMPACT PlusYouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders and FITE from the Rebel Entertainment Complex in Toronto.

The action begins on Countdown to Emergence streaming LIVE & FREE at 7:30pm ET on YouTube, IMPACT Plus (live player) and FITE.

Alan Angels vs Mike Bailey

Bailey hits a dropkick, sending Angels to the floor. Angels turns it around with a neckbreaker on the outside. Back in the ring, Angels hits a backstabber for two. Bailey counters another neckbreaker into a backslide. Bailey soars with a springboard Moonsault to the floor. Angels hits a powerbomb out of the corner. Bailey delivers a spin kick but Angels bounces back with a lariat. Angels hits a top rope powerbomb for yet another near fall. Bailey drives his knees into the midsection of Angels. Angels uses the referee as a shield, providing him with an opening to snap Bailey’s neck. Bailey blocks the Angels Strike, then connects with the Tornado Kick, followed by Ultima Weapon to win.

Mike Bailey def Alan Angels

The Good Hands (John Skyler & Jason Hotch) vs JOYA (Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura)

Hotch distracts the referee, allowing Skyler to trip up Uemura from the outside. The Good Hands cut off the ring and begin to wear Uemura down. Skyler goads Hendry into entering the ring illegally, allowing Hotch to remain in control. Uemura creates separation and makes the much-needed tag to Hendry. The pace quickens as Hendry hits Skyler with a Fallaway Slam. Hendry gets two for one on The Good Hands and almost puts Skyler away. The Good Hands hit Hendry with a double team Death Drop but Uemura breaks the pin. Hendry launches Hotch into a cutter from Uemura to win.

JOYA (Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura) def The Good Hands (John Skyler & Jason Hotch)

Emergence is on the air.

Emergence begins with a Ten-Bell Salute in honor of Terry Funk and Windham Rotunda.

Deaner w/ Kon vs Eric Young – No Disqualifications

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