Thursday, May 18, 2023

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: May 18, 2023

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The action begins Before the IMPACT with an exclusive match.

The Design (Deaner & Kon) w/ Angels vs Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

Dice shows off his athleticism in the early going as he does a cartwheel in the middle of the ring. Deaner isn’t impressed and delivers a straight right hand to the jaw of Dice. Swinger and Kon engage in a test of strength, which Kon easily wins. Angels delivers a cheap shot to Swinger while Deaner has the referee distracted. Deaner then bites Swinger and The Design is in total control. Swinger avoids a diving headbutt from Deaner, allowing him to finally make the tag to Dice. The pace quickens as Dice pummels Kon in the corner with a series of fists. Kon quickly turns the tide and powerbombs Dice into the mat. Deaner finishes off Dice with The Antitdote to win.

The Design (Deaner & Kon) w/ Angels def Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

Just eight nights away from Under Siege, an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.

X-Division Champion Trey Miguel vs Laredo Kid

Laredo Kid battles the reigning X-Division Champion in our opening contest! Miguel is in control as he grounds the Luchador. Moments later, Kid counters a back suplex attempt and quickens the pace with a Michinoku Driver. Kid hits a springboard Moonsault to the spine of Miguel. Kid spikes Miguel on the top of his head for two. Miguel regains control with a dropkick to the back of the head. Kid counters the Lightning Spiral, prompting Miguel to rip off Kid’s mask. Miguel rolls him up to score the three count.

X-Division Champion Trey Miguel def Laredo Kid

After the match, Miguel holds the broadcast hostage as he says that he’s not going anywhere until he gets the respect that he deserves. Miguel’s X-Division Title challenger at Under Siege, Chris Sabin, confronts him in the ring. Sabin tells Miguel that if he wants respect, he better start giving it. Sabin says that Miguel disrespected every X-Division Champion of all time when he defaced the X-Division Title. Sabin vows to become the first-ever 9-time X-Division Champion at Under Siege. Miguel backs off as Sabin stands tall.

Gisele Shaw isn’t happy with Jai Vidal after he posted a selfie of him and Trinity last week. Trinity tells Vidal to stop being Shaw’s do-boy and that if Shaw has a problem with her, they can settle it in a match at Under Siege.

Sami Callihan and Rich Swann reflect on the ups and downs of their friendship over the last several years. Swann will join forces with Callihan to battle The Design at Under Siege.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey vs Jason Hotch w/ John Skyler & Brian Myers

Sitting under the learning tree of Brian Myers, Jason Hotch takes to the ring for singles action against IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Ace Austin! The early advantage goes to Austin as he connects with a side Russian leg sweep. Hotch sends Austin into the top rope, then gains control with a running clothesline. Hotch hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Austin bounces back by stomping Hotch face-first into the mat. Austin is setting up for The Fold when Myers distracts the referee, allowing Skyler to get involved. Bey neutralizes Skyler at ringside but that doesn’t stop Myers from delivering a right hand to Austin. Hotch rolls him up to score the victory.

Jason Hotch w/ John Skyler & Brian Myers def IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey

Champagne Singh and Shera are back in the good graces of IMPACT World Champion Steve Maclin after they took out Heath last week.

Alisha claims that Jordynne Grace purposely knocked Deonna Purrazzo off the apron during their Knockouts World Tag Team Title opportunity last week.

Trinity vs Knockouts World Tag Team Champion KiLynn King w/ Taylor Wilde

Trinity makes her highly-anticipated IMPACT in-ring debut against Knockouts World Tag Team Champion KiLynn King! Trinity hits the running splits to the midsection of King. Trinity shows King some attitude when Wilde trips her up from the outside. King clobbers Trinity from behind to gain control. King puts her strength on display as she hits a thudding clothesline. King distracts the referee, allowing Wilde to once again get involved from ringside. Wilde trips Trinity on the top rope but this time, she’s caught by the official who ejects her from ringside. Trinity soars with a crossbody off the top. Trinity builds momentum with a series of clotheslines, followed by a springboard dropkick. Trinity almost puts King away with a top rope Blockbuster. Trinity spikes her face-first into the mat but it’s not enough to keep King down. King comes back with the Death Valley Driver for a very close near fall of her own. Trinity locks in her Star Struck submission to win.

Trinity def Knockouts World Tag Team Champion KiLynn King w/ Taylor Wilde

After the match, Jai Vidal interrupts Trinity’s celebration and informs her that Gisele Shaw has accepted her challenge for a match at Under Siege. Vidal looks to deliver another message from Shaw in the form of a slap but Trinity counters with a head kick.

Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh and Shera deliver a brutal assault to PCO in the backstage area. In an attempt to take PCO out of action before their scheduled World Title match at Under Siege, Maclin smashes concrete blocks on his back with a sledgehammer.

Jessicka is confronted by The Coven while she waits for Rosemary to return from the Undead Realm.

Jody Threat vs Sierra

Jody Threat looks to continue her wave of momentum as she battles IMPACT newcomer Sierra! Threat is in control following a seated senton from the top rope. Sierra creates an opening with a jawbreaker but Threat immediately regains control. Threat hits a German suplex, followed by the F416 to win.

Jody Threat def Sierra

Eddie Edwards tells Frankie Kazarian to follow his lead in tonight’s star-studded six-man tag team main event.

During a scuffle between Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry and Dirty Dango, it’s revealed that Dango was the one who attacked Santino Marella just a few weeks ago. Dango assaults Hendry and closes the case.

Don’t miss the final IMPACT! before Under Siege next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Rich Swann goes one-on-one with Angels. Plus, Mike Bailey takes on Chris Sabin and so much more!

Moose, Eddie Edwards & Frankie Kazarian vs Jonathan Gresham, Yuya Uemura & Alex Shelley

Momentum is up for grabs as the six competitors in the #1 Contenders match at Under Siege collide in a star-studded tag team main event! Gresham hits Edwards with a springboard Moonsault, then immediately dives through the ropes to take out Kazarian on the floor. Shelley gets two for one as he takes out Moose and Edwards with combination offense. Moose and Edwards bend the rules in order to gain control and warn Kazarian not to get in their way. Edwards locks in a Sleeper on Shelley, followed by the Boston Knee Party. The pace quickens as Uemura enters that match, who plants Moose with a bulldog off the second rope. Uemura hits Edwards with a back suplex for two. Edwards comes back with the Blue Thunder Bomb but he’s unable to follow up with the pin. Moose hits Umeura with a thunderous powerbomb for a very close near fall. The action is fast and furious as Kazarian catches Gresham with a mid-air leg drop. Kazarian spike Shelley with the slingshot DDT for two. Edwards tags himself into the match and hits a Backpack Stunner on Shelley. The match begins to break down as everyone gets involved. Uemura launches himself off the top rope, taking out Moose with a crossbody on the floor. Tensions explode between Edwards and Kazarian as Kazarian takes him out with a clothesline. Shelley puts Edwards away with the Shell Shock for three.

Jonathan Gresham, Yuya Uemura & Alex Shelley def Moose, Eddie Edwards & Frankie Kazarian

IMPACT! goes off the air.

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