Thursday, March 23, 2023

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: March 23, 2023

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The action begins Before the IMPACT with an exclusive match.

X-Division Champion Trey Miguel vs Kevin Knight

Before Trey Miguel defends the X-Division Title against Lince Dorado at Sacrifice, he goes one-on-one with Kevin Knight tonight! After a back-and-forth contest, Knight collides with the steel ring post, allowing Miguel to capitalize with the Lightning Spiral for three.

X-Division Champion Trey Miguel def Kevin Knight

It’s the last stop before Sacrifice, an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.

The Design (Deaner, Kon & Angels) vs Time Machine (KUSHIDA & NJPW STRONG Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns)

Time Machine competes in their first of two six-man tag team matches within 24 hours. At Sacrifice, they’ve got IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander, Rich Swann and Kazarian. Tonight, they collide with The Design! Time Machine targets the shoulder of Angels in the early going. KUSHIDA hits a sliding dropkick, sending him face-first into the floor. Angels creates separation with a neckbreaker to Sabin, then makes the tag to Deaner. Sabin fights out of the corner, delivering a series of strikes to Kon and Angels on the apron. Sabin rolls through and makes the tag to KUSHIDA. The pace quickens as KUSHIDA hits a Pele Kick on Deaner. KUSHIDA launches himself off the top rope, taking out The Design with a big crossbody to the outside. Back in the ring, The Design have regained control as they hit KUSHIDA with a modified Doomsday Device. The match begins to break down as everyone gets involved. Callihan enters the ring illegally and the Guns make him pay for it. KUSHIDA locks in the Hoverboard Lock on Angels, forcing the submission.

Time Machine (KUSHIDA & NJPW STRONG Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns) def The Design (Deaner, Kon & Angels)

Long live the new Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, The Coven.

Champagne Singh and Shera are living a life of luxury in Las Vegas.

Kenny King is willing to make a sacrifice for someone he considers family, Eddie Edwards. Tomorrow night at Sacrifice, he vows to take out PCO when they meet in singles competition.

Savannah Evans w/ Gisele Shaw & Jai Vidal vs Deonna Purrazzo

Just one night before she seeks revenge on Gisele Shaw, Deonna Purrazzo must get through the new head of security, Savannah Evans! The early advantage goes to Evans as she tosses Purrazzo across the ring. Purrazzo uses her quickness to her advantage, taking Evans off her feet with a Hurricanrana. Shaw provides a distraction at ringside, allowing Evans to capitalize by throwing Purrazzo into the steel ring steps. Back in the ring, Evans hits a Butterfly suplex for two. Purrazzo trips her up, then drops Evans with a side Russian leg sweep. Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara Armbar but Evans makes it to the bottom rope. Evans comes back with a Northern Lights suplex for another near fall. Shaw distracts the referee as Vidal holds Purrazzo on the apron. Evans charges towards her but ends up hitting Vidal with a big boot. Purrazzo knocks Shaw off the apron, then pins Evans following a Crucifix Bomb.

Deonna Purrazzo def Savannah Evans w/ Gisele Shaw & Jai Vidal

After the match, Purrazzo falls victim to the numbers game as Evans plants her with the Full Nelson Slam. Shaw finishes her off with The Denouement.

Taya Valkyrie is dragged into a coffin as Jessicka looks on in horror.

Bully Ray & Masha Slamovich vs Tommy Dreamer & Knockouts World Champion Mickie James

Tensions explode between these fierce rivals as Bully Ray and Masha Slamovich battle Tommy Dreamer and Mickie James! Tomorrow night at Sacrifice, Bully and Dreamer collide in the first-ever Busted Open match while James defends the Knockouts World Title against Jordynne Grace. Slamovich hits James with a spin kick, then makes the tag to Bully. Bully crashes and burns on an elbow drop attempt, allowing her to tag out to Dreamer. Bully body-slams his own partner on top of Dreamer. Moments later, James hits the ropes but Bully pulls her down by her hair. Bully threatens James with a kendo stick but the referee stops him from using it. Instead, Bully hits a powerslam before Slamovich whips her around the ring. James begins to build momentum with a neckbreaker to Slamovich. Dreamer hits Bully with a cutter but Slamovich breaks the pin attempt. James hits Slamovich with a top rope seated senton, before showing Bully “What’s Up”. James and Dreamer bring a table into the ring but while the referee removes it, Bully goes low on Dreamer. Bully spikes him with a Piledriver to win.

Bully Ray & Masha Slamovich def Tommy Dreamer & Knockouts World Champion Mickie James

After the match, Bully is about to powerbomb James through a table when Jordynne Grace makes the save with a kendo stick. Grace charges towards him but Bully sidesteps, causing her to spear James instead.

It appears that Steve Maclin has gotten into the head of Rich Swann as he expresses his doubts to Frankie Kazarian. Moments later, Swann catches Maclin going through Josh Alexander’s bag.

The stars of IMPACT will Sacrifice it all LIVE THIS FRIDAY, March 24th from St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario streaming at 8pm ET on IMPACT PlusYouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders and FITE. IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander, Rich Swann and Frankie Kazarian battle Time Machine. Mickie James defends the Knockouts World Title against Jordynne Grace. Tommy Dreamer collides with Bully Ray in the first-ever Busted Open match. Brian Myers challenges Joe Hendry for the Digital Media Title. Trey Miguel defends the X-Division Title against Lince Dorado. Jonathan Gresham and Mike Bailey run it back in singles action. Deonna Purrazzo seeks revenge on Gisele Shaw. Plus, Kenny King takes on PCO.

Next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and YouTube for IMPACT Insiders, don’t miss a special LIVE edition of IMPACT! featuring expert analysis as we count down towards Multiverse United: Only the STRONG Survive. Plus, witness never-before-seen matches such as the IMPACT debut of Miya Yamashita, Will Ospreay vs Homicide and Josh Alexander vs KENTA for the IMPACT World Title.

Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango vs Moose & Brian Myers

Before Brian Myers challenges Joe Hendry for the Digital Media Title at Sacrifice, momentum is up for grabs in tag team action! Hendry puts his strength on display in the early going, planting Myers with a delayed vertical suplex. Moose repeatedly drives his shoulder into the solar plexus of Dango but Dango quickly turns it around with two-for-one offense. Hendry and Dango take Moose off his feet with double running shoulder tackles. Myers pushes Dango off the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor. Back in the ring, Dango creates separation with a corkscrew elbow to Moose. Dango makes the tag to Hendry, who enters the match with a burst of speed. Hendry goes on the attack, almost putting Myers away with a big cutter. Myers hits an Enzuigiri but Hendry comes back with a pop-up powerbomb. Moose spears Hendry, leading to the Roster Cut from Myers to win.

Moose & Brian Myers def Digital Media Champion Joe Hendry & Dirty Dango

IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander is headed to the ring after finding out that Steve Maclin was going through his belongings earlier.

Josh Alexander says that he has respect for Steve Maclin as a pro wrestler and even more as a combat veteran. But what he doesn’t respect is how Maclin complains about management holding him back. Alexander says that he hasn’t been ducking Maclin, it’s the other way around. Alexander declares that their IMPACT World Title match at Rebellion will happen and on that night, he will send Maclin back to the bottom of the totem pole. Alexander says that Maclin is afraid of failing and becoming a “forgotten son”. Speaking of Maclin, his music hits and he addresses Alexander from the top of ramp. Maclin says that he’s obsessed with winning the IMPACT World Title, showing footage of him scouting Alexander during several of his matches last year. Alexander admits that he underestimated what Maclin is capable of. Alexander challenges him to meet him in the ring but Maclin says no. Maclin says that if he’s going to defeat Alexander, he’s going to do it in his hometown of Toronto at Rebellion.

IMPACT! goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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