Friday, February 24, 2023

No Surrender 2023 LIVE Results

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Don’t miss No Surrender LIVE TONIGHT at 8pm ET from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas, streaming on IMPACT PlusYouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders and FITE.

The action begins on Countdown to No Surrender streaming LIVE & FREE February 24th at 7:30pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube. Preview the night’s huge event and witness exclusive matchups you won’t see anywhere else!

Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal vs Deonna Purrazzo

The fight spills to the outside as Shaw takes control. Purrazzo tries to get things going but Shaw repeatedly shuts her momentum down. Shaw hits a double foot stomp in the corner for two. Both Knockouts are down following stereo clotheslines in the middle of the ring. Purrazzo begins to turn the tide as she hits a side Russian leg sweep. Shaw counters Queen’s Gambit into a backbreaker Flatliner combo for another near fall. Shaw goes for a Queen’s Gambit of her own but Purrazzo avoids it and locks in the Fujiwara Armbar. Shaw crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jai Vidal provides a distraction from ringside, allowing Savannah Evans to blindside Purrazzo with the Full Nelson Slam. Shaw hits her signature knee strike to win.

Gisele Shaw w/ Jai Vidal def Deonna Purrazzo

After the match, Vidal and Evans raise the hand of Shaw.

Jonathan Gresham vs Mike Bailey

Gresham hits a big dropkick to gain the advantage. Gresham locks in a Figure Four leg lock but Bailey fights through the pain and makes it to the bottom rope. Both men are down following a flurry of offense. They make it to their feet at the referee’s count of nine, then exchange strike for strike. Gresham hits a springboard Moonsault, then soars with a dive to the floor. Back in the ring, Bailey spikes him with a Poison Rana, then winds up for a running kick. Gresham avoids Ultima Weapon and rolls up Bailey to win.

Jonathan Gresham def Mike Bailey

No Surrender is on the air!

Director of Authority Santino Marella welcomes us to the show.

Frankie Kazarian vs Kon w/ The Design (Deaner & Angels) & Callihan

Santino Marella joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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