Friday, November 18, 2022

Over Drive 2022 LIVE Results

Stream Over Drive LIVE on IMPACT Plus

IMPACT Wrestling kicks it into Over Drive LIVE tonight at 8pm ET on IMPACT PlusYouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders and FITE from Old Forester’s Paristown Hall in Louisville, KY!

The action begins on Countdown to Over Drive streaming LIVE & FREE tonight at 7:30pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube.

Rich Swann vs Jason Hotch vs Yuya Uemura vs Kenny King vs Bhupinder Gujjar vs Mike Bailey – 6-Way X-Division Match

It’s every man for himself in tonight’s opening contest. Swann hits the ropes but King takes him off his feet with a spin kick. King turns hit attention towards Gujjar as he hits a big Spinebuster. King pummels King with a flurry of kicks. Hotch sends Bailey to the outside with a pinpoint kick of his own. Uemura hits a back suplex on Swann, followed by a German suplex to Gujjar. Hotch dives through the ropes, colliding with Uemura on the floor. Swann soars with a Phoenix Splash off the top rope. Bailey is perched on the top for Ultimo Weapon but King sends him toppling to the outside. Hotch takes out both Uemura and Swann with a double neckbreaker. Gujjar connects with a Ripcord Knee to Hotch. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon onto the back of Hotch but King superkicks him off the pin. King is focused on Bailey while Swann hits the handspring cutter on Hotch to win!

Rich Swann def Jason Hotch, Yuya Uemura, Kenny King, Bhupinder Gujjar & Mike Bailey – 6-Way X-Division Match

NJPW STRONG Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) vs Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) – World Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match

The winning team will earn a future shot at the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles! Shelley makes a blind tag, allowing Sabin to go after Bey on the outside. Meanwhile, Sabin attacks Austin from behind. Austin delivers a kick to Sabin on the apron. Bey continues the assault with a running forearm into the corner. Both men are down following a double clothesline in the middle of the ring. Sabin tags out to Shelley while Bey does the same to Austin. Shelley does some serious damage with a double armbreaker to both of his opponents. Bey grabs Shelley from the apron, allowing Austin to turn the tide. Bullet Club wear Shelley down as they cut off the ring and employ quick tags. Shelley avoids a top rope Moonsault from Bey, creating separation and allowing him to make the much-needed tag to Sabin. The pace quickens as Sabin goes on the attack. Sabin hits Bey with a Fisherman’s suplex for two. Sabin takes out both members of the Bullet Club with a double crossbody, followed by a double clothesline from Shelley. The Guns hit a Magic Killer but Bey kicks out at two. Bey sends Shelley crashing into his own partner. Austin follows up with the springboard kick. Bey soars over the top rope, colliding with both of the Guns on the floor. Sabin counters the Art of Finesse into a German suplex. Sabin stacks up Bey to score the victory!

NJPW STRONG Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) def Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) – World Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match

Over Drive is on the air!

Moose vs Bully Ray – Tables Match

The first person to put their opponent through a table will be declared the winner in this personal grudge match!

from IMPACT Wrestling

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