Thursday, November 3, 2022

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: November 3, 2022

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We kick things off with the BTI exclusive match of the week!

Yuya Uemura vs PJ Black – X-Division Title Tournament 1st Round

PJ Black makes his long-awaited return as the tournament to crown a new X-Division Champion rolls on! Black shows us his new sadistic side by driving his elbow into the ribs of Uemura. Black launches himself off the top but Uemura cuts him off with a mid-air dropkick. Uemura begins to build momentum with a running bulldog out of the corner. Uemura hits a belly-to-back suplex, then locks in an armbreaker submission. Uemura fights off a Superplex attempt but Black picks him off the top with a Hurricanrana. Black soars with a Moonsault for two. Uemura turns him inside out with a big clothesline on the floor. Back in the ring, Black scores the pinfall following a modified Crucifix Bomb.

PJ Black def Yuya Uemura – X-Division Title Tournament 1st Round

Tensions are rising on the road to Over Drive, an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.

Eddie Edwards blames PCO for the demise of Honor No More. Edwards dares PCO to meet him in the Las Vegas desert to end things once and for all.

Kenny King vs Mike Bailey – X-Division Title Tournament 1st Round

Who will advance to the next round in the X-Division Title Tournament? We find out in this clash of former X-Division Champions! Bailey sends King to the outside with a flurry of kicks. King is retreating up the ramp when Bailey chases him back into the ring and targets his knee. King drops him face-first into the turnbuckle, followed by a Spinebuster. King continues the attack with a suplex on the exposed ramp. Bailey just makes it back into the ring at the referee’s count of nine. Bailey begins to build momentum with another series of kicks. King comes back with the Tiger Driver for two. King attempts another Tiger Driver, this time on the ramp, but Bailey counters and hits a top rope Moonsault to the floor. Bailey traps King in a pinning predicament to score the victory.

Mike Bailey def Kenny King – X-Division Title Tournament 1st Round

The Motor City Machine Guns join the group of people telling IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander not to trust Bully Ray.

Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green blame Gisele Shaw for their loss to Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace, Taylor Wilde and Mickie James in last week’s main event. Green’s obsession with retiring James is about to boil over as she prepares for a singles match with “Hardcore Country” next Thursday.

Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans are in the ring. Steelz says that last week’s beatdown of Rachelle Scheel was only an appetizer for Evans and lays out an open challenge for someone to be her “main course”. Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Jessicka makes her way to the ring alongside the Death Dollz and it’s on!

Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Jessicka w/ Death Dollz (Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary) vs Savannah Evans / Tasha Steelz

Two powerhouses of the Knockouts Division collide! Jessicka brings the fight in the early going as she hits a big running clothesline. Jessicka crashes and burns in the corner, allowing Evans to capitalize with a DDT. Evans puts her strength on display as she hits a vertical suplex with ease. Evans charges into the corner but Jessicka sidesteps, sending her crashing into the steel ring post. Jessicka regains her composure as she hits a release German suplex. Evans takes a page out of Rosemary’s book as she bites Jessicka to take control. Jessicka connects with a spin kick, followed by a running crossbody. Steelz gets up on the apron but Rosemary makes her pay with a spear. Back in the ring, Evans puts Jessicka away with the Full Nelson Slam.

Savannah Evans / Tasha Steelz def Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Jessicka w/ Death Dollz (Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary)

Killer Kelly is on the prowl for “fresh meat”.

Steve Maclin is sick of everyone jumping him in line for an IMPACT World Title opportunity and he’s not going to wait any longer.

Say his name and he appears – Joe Hendry confronts the Major Players and expresses his interest in Brian Myers’ Digital Media Title.

PCO meets Eddie Edwards in the Las Vegas desert and the fight is on. Edwards is reeling as PCO gains the upper-hand. Moments later, Edwards cracks him over the head with a rock, then suplexes him onto the unforgiving terrain. PCO shows signs of life but Edwards quickly shuts him down with a steel shovel assault. Edwards buries him under a pile of rubble and walks away.

Taylor Wilde wants to be in Mickie James’ corner for her match against Chelsea Green next week. After all, Deonna Purrazzo will be in Green’s corner and we know what she’s capable of. James thanks her for the offer but says that she needs to do this on her own. Wilde respects her decision and hopes to see her on the other side.

Eric Young w/ Deaner vs Sami Callihan

Violence reigns supreme as Eric Young battles Sami Callihan for the first time ever! The bell rings and Callihan immediately hits a pop-up powerbomb. Deaner gets up on the apron but Callihan knocks him down. The fight spills to the outside where Young ducks a chop, causing Callihan’s hand to collide with the steel ring post. Callihan hits a vertical suplex on the floor before biting Young’s ear. Callihan attempts the Cactus Driver 97 but Deaner takes him out while the referee is distracted. Back in the ring, Callihan counters a Piledriver into a back body drop. Both men exchange shots in the middle of the ring until Young gains control with a clothesline. Callihan avoids a top rope Moonsault when Violent By Design’s hooded followers storm the ring and attack him.

Sami Callihan def Eric Young w/ Deaner by Disqualification

Deaner instructs two of the followers to remove their hoods and reveal their identities – it’s Alan Angels and Big Kon! A new era of Violence has begun as the group stands tall over a laid out Callihan.

The locker room of Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace is littered with photos of Gisele Shaw holding the Knockouts World Title last week. Shaw’s executive stylist and content creator, Jai Vidal, is here to capture this moment. Grace hurls Vidal on the couch and tells him to a deliver a message to Shaw: If she wants to take the Knockouts World Title, she can try to take it next week!

Moose vs Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey

Ace Austin is out for revenge after Moose assaulted Chris Bey during his match with Tommy Dreamer last week! Austin takes the big man off his feet with a springboard kick. Moose catches Austin in mid-air and swings him into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Moose remains in control as he hits a strong Irish whip into the corner. Moose takes a moment to mock the Bullet Club, allowing Austin an opportunity to escape. Moose quickly shuts him down with Snake Eyes into the turnbuckle. Austin is fired up, taking him down with a flurry of strikes. Moose hits a Uranagi, then tosses Austin across the ring from the top rope. Bully Ray comes down to ringside to confront Moose for accusing him of attacking Austin in the parking lot. The distraction causes Moose to miss his Spear attempt, allowing Austin to roll him up for three.

Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey def Moose

The road to Over Drive continues on an all-new IMPACT! next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Trey Miguel battles Mike Bailey in the 2nd round of the X-Division Title Tournament. Brian Myers defends the Digital Media Title against Joe Hendry. Jordynne Grace defends the Knockouts World Title against Gisele Shaw. Plus, Chelsea Green takes on Mickie James in her Last Rodeo and more!

IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander & Frankie Kazarian vs Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher)

Champion and challenger for the IMPACT World Title at Over Drive team up as Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian collide with Aussie Open! Davis knees Alexander from the apron, allowing Fletcher to clothesline him over the top rope to the floor. Aussie Open gain the early advantage as they drive Alexander and Kazarian back-first into one another. Aussie Open cut off the ring and employ quick tags to wear Alexander down. Kazarian tries to get involved but that gives Davis an opportunity to deliver a back suplex on the hardest part of the ring. Alexander uses his quickness to duck and dodge the incoming assault, then makes the tag to Kazarian. The pace quickens with Kazarian hitting the slingshot DDT on Fletcher. Aussie Open turns the tide with a double team cutter but it’s not enough to put Kazarian away. Alexander brings the fight to both members of Aussie Open, then hits Davis with a powerbomb for two. Aussie Open connects with devastating double team offense on Alexander but the pin is broken up by Kazarian. Moments later, Kazarian hits a springboard leg drop on Fletcher. Alexander locks in the Ankle Lock on Fletcher. Meanwhile, Kazarian traps Davis in a submission of his own. Fletcher rolls through and sends Alexander crashing into his own partner. Alexander suplexes Fletcher over the top rope as they both topple to the floor. In the ring, Kazarian connects with the Slingshot Cutter on Davis to score the victory.

IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander & Frankie Kazarian def Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher)

After the match, Kazarian grabs the IMPACT World Title and hands it to Alexander as IMPACT! goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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