Thursday, March 24, 2022

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: March 24, 2022

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The action begins Before the IMPACT with an exclusive match!

Shera w/ Raj Singh vs Crazzy Steve w/ Havok

Shera makes his long-awaited return to IMPACT Wrestling as he goes one-on-one with Decay’s Crazzy Steve! Shera is accompanied by his longtime ally, Raj Singh. Steve bites the hand of Shera in order to compensate for his size disadvantage. Steve goes Upside Down on the ropes. Singh distracts Steve at ringside, allowing Shera to regain control. Shera hits a Fallaway Slam for two. Steve targets the previously injured knee of Shera, then bites his face. Shera comes back with Sky High to win!

Shera w/ Raj Singh def Crazzy Steve w/ Havok

The road to Rebellion goes through the legendary 2300 Arena in Philadelphia – an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.

Josh Alexander Addresses the Actions of Moose

After IMPACT World Champion Moose confronted Josh Alexander’s wife and child at their home in Canada, Alexander is in the ring to address Moose’s actions. Alexander is furious, saying that there’s no going back from what he did. Alexander states that Moose has pushed him over the edge and he is going to make him feel pain in their IMPACT World Title match at Rebellion. Alexander calls out Moose and the IMPACT World Champion appears at the top of the ramp. Moose vows to take another trip to Alexander’s home after he beats him at Rebellion. Alexander charges towards Moose and a wild brawl breaks out between the two rivals. The fight spills to the back where Alexander attempts to throw Moose off a balcony. Madman Fulton pulls him off as other members of the locker room break things up.

IMPACT Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore tries to calm Josh Alexander down. Alexander says that his emotions will be in check – as long as Moose stays away from his family.

Willie Mack vs Laredo Kid vs Mike Bailey – Rebellion X-Division Title Match Qualifier

The winner of this match will join X-Division Champion Trey Miguel and Ace Austin in a Triple Threat X-Division Title match at Rebellion! The action is fast and furious from the opening bell as all three competitors exchange Hurricanranas. Mack soars through the air, taking out everyone on the floor. Bailey delivers a flurry of kicks to Mack, followed by a flip dive to the outside. Kid hits a jaw-dropping springboard corkscrew. Kid connects with a twisting Superplex and a top rope Frog Splash to Bailey. Mack catches Bailey with a Samoan Drop, followed by signature standing Moonsault. Mack pays homage to Scott Hall with a Razor’s Edge to Kid. Bailey hits Ultima Weapon on Mack to advance to Rebellion!

Mike Bailey def Willie Mack & Laredo Kid – Rebellion X-Division Title Match Qualifier

The Bullet Club vow to right their wrongs. Tonight, The Good Brothers look to reclaim the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles from Violent By Design. Next week, Jay White and Chris Bey face off against the Motor City Machine Guns in a rematch following the controversial finish to their last meeting!

Raj Singh says that Bhupinder Gujjar lost his chance to fight by his side so instead, he has recruited the returning Shera. “The Indian Lion” was victorious over Crazzy Steve earlier tonight on BTI.

Steve Maclin vs Heath w/ Rhino

Heath looks to avenge Rhino’s recent loss to Steve Maclin in this physical singles contest! Heath brings the fight to the outside but Maclin quickly retaliates with a thumb to the eye. While the referee is attending to Heath, Maclin throws himself into the steel ring steps in order to get Rhino ejected from ringside. Maclin hits a backbreaker, then begins to pick Heath apart. Heath is caught in the crosshairs following a running spear in the corner. Maclin launches himself off the top but Heath gets hit boot up. Heath builds momentum with a DDT for two. Maclin counters the Wake Up Call, then uses the ropes for leverage to steal the victory!

Steve Maclin def Heath

After the match, Rhino returns to ringside and delivers a Gore to Maclin!

Tenille Dashwood’s talk show, All About Me, is back as Kaleb With a K interviews one half of the Knockouts World Tag Team Champions. Dashwood questions where Kaleb’s loyalties lie, whether it’s with The Influence or The IInspiration. Kaleb dodges the question but runs right onto the set of Madison Rayne’s talk show, Locker Room Talk, alongside her co-host Johnny Swinger. Madison tries to get Kaleb to answer the question while taking a lie detector test but Kaleb escapes once again.

NJPW legend Tomohiro Ishii will battle JONAH for the first-time-ever at Rebellion!

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Violent By Design (Eric Young & Joe Doering) vs The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) – Lumberjack Match for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championships

The IMPACT locker room surrounds the ring as Violent By Design defend their IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against The Good Brothers in a Lumberjack match! Gallows and Anderson send Young and Doering over the top rope to the floor with double clotheslines as they get thrown right back in by Jay White and the lumberjacks. Anderson hits Young with a Spinebuster for two. Doering knees Anderson in the back from the apron, allowing VBD to gain control. Anderson makes the tag to Gallows, who goes on the attack. Gallows drives Young into the canvas, followed by a double team neck breaker for two. Doering turns the tide with a powerslam on Anderson. Young continues the assault with a top rope elbow drop. The Good Brothers hit the Magic Killer on Young, prompting Deaner to get up on the apron. Doering sends Gallows to the floor where he’s confronted by the Lumberjacks. Doering dives into the sea of humanity on the outside. With the referee distracted, Mike Bennett delivers a low blow to Anderson, followed by the Climax from his partner in Honor No More, Matt Taven. Young crawls to the cover to score the victory!

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Violent By Design (Eric Young & Joe Doering) def The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) – Lumberjack Match for the IMPACT World Tag Team Championships

Gia Miller interviews Knockouts World Champion Tasha Steelz ahead of her Knockouts World Title defense against Mickie James in a Street Fight tonight. Mickie wants there to be no interference in the match and shockingly, Tasha agrees to leave Savannah Evans in the back.

Eddie Edwards vs Rocky Romero

The leader of Honor No More, Eddie Edwards, collides with New Japan Pro-Wrestling legend Rocky Romero for the first time ever! Both men exchange chops in the middle of the ring but Romero gets crafty with a thumb to the eye. Romero launches himself off the steel steps and hits a Hurricanrana on the floor. Romero hits two Forever Clotheslines but Edwards shuts him down with a clothesline of his own. Eddie catches Romero in mid-air, then drives him into the steel steps. Romero creates separation with a tornado DDT out of the corner, giving him an opportunity to gain composure. Romero hits an Enzuigiri, followed by a top rope dropkick for two. Edwards removes his elbow pad, connects with a forearm shiver and a Blue Thunder Bomb but it’s not enough to keep Romero down. Edwards counters the Diablo Armbar into a rollup to win!

Eddie Edwards def Rocky Romero

After the bell, Edwards offers his hand to Romero but this isn’t the Eddie Edwards of old. Romero grabs his hand, prompting Edwards to continue the assault. Moments later, ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham makes his return! Gresham was taken out of action by Honor No More en route to No Surrender and now he’s going after their leader. Edwards retreats up the ramp as Gresham is confronted by Romero. They shake hands in the middle of the ring.

Zicky Dice is enjoying his studies at Swinger’s Dungeon but next week, Swinger needs to evaluate him one-on-one in the first-ever Chump Chump Challenge!

Don’t miss an all-new IMPACT! next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Josh Alexander goes one-on-one with Madman Fulton. ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham battles Honor No More’s Kenny King. Jay White and Chris Bey of the Bullet Club take on the Motor City Machine Guns in a huge tag team rematch and more!

Knockouts World Champion Tasha Steelz vs Mickie James – Street Fight for the Knockouts World Championship

The personal rivalry between Knockouts World Champion Tasha Steelz and Mickie James explodes in a Street Fight with the title on the line! Mickie throws a trash can lid at Tasha while she’s making her entrance. They brawl on the outside where Mickie hits a neck breaker on the exposed ramp. Out of nowhere, Savannah Evans clobbers Mickie from behind, despite Tasha saying that she didn’t need her help tonight. Tasha places a trash can over the head of Mickie and smashes her with a baseball bat. A steel chain is wrapped around the neck of both Knockouts as Tasha sends her crashing into a chair. Evans gets up on the apron but Mickie bites her and hits a powerbomb into a table. Mickie takes Evans out of the equation with a trash can assault. Tasha capitalizes off the distraction with a cutter but Mickie kicks out at two. Mickie hits the Mick-DT but Evans pulls the referee out of the ring before he can count to three. Evans catches Mickie in mid-air and sends her back-first into the steel ring post. Evans is choking Mickie with a chair when Chelsea Green runs down to the ring. But instead of helping Mickie, she just sits and watches as Evans continues to attack her. Tasha hits the Frog Splash to retain the Knockouts World Title!

Knockouts World Champion Tasha Steelz def Mickie James – Street Fight for the Knockouts World Championship

After the match, it becomes apparent that Green did exactly what Mickie asked of her – she didn’t get involved in the match. Mickie attacks Green out of frustration until Green’s husband, Digital Media Champion Matt Cardona, blindsides her with Radio Silence! Green’s arm is still wrapped in a cast following her recent injury as she takes out Mickie with a knockout shot. Green takes off her cast, revealing that her injury may not have been legitimate. The power couple stands tall as IMPACT! goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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