Saturday, December 18, 2021

Throwback Throwdown II Results

Step out of the time machine and into the world of the IMPACT Professional Wrestling Federation at Throwback Throwdown II presented by Pabst Blue Ribbon.

The action starts on the Countdown to Throwback Throwdown II pre-show!

“The Mysterious” Mr. E vs Duke Winchester

Winchester hits a big neckbreaker. Mr. E connects with an overhead suplex, followed by an elbow drop to the chest. Winchester fights out of the corner with a flurry of clotheslines. Winchester puts Mr. E away with a running bulldog to win!

Duke Winchester def “The Mysterious” Mr. E

Winter War ’84 is on the air!

We learn that Muscles McGee will not be here tonight to challenge Sex Ferguson for the IPWF International Commonwealth Television Title because he was detained at the American border. Speaking of the champ, Sex Ferguson is in the ring to address the controversy. Ferguson thinks he has the night off but Giuseppe Scovelli Sr. interrupts and tells him he’ll be defending his title in a North Pole Street Fight against Santa Claus tonight! Santa hits the ring and sends Ferguson retreating to the back.

Chad 2 Badd vs Bill Ding

Chad charges into the corner but Bill sidesteps, causing him to crash crotch-first into the turnbuckle. The referee catches Bill using the ropes for leverage and stops the count. Chad delivers double knuckles to the basement of Bill Ding, followed by a back body drop for two. Bill crashes and burns from the top rope, allowing Chad to secure the victory!

Chad 2 Badd def Bill Ding

We see the debut of a new music video from the Rhythmic Warriors!

Sunday Morning Express (Editor-in-Chief & Ace Reporter) vs Rhythmic Warriors (Johnny Swinger & Mikey Singer)

Singer dives through the ropes and collides with Sunday Morning Express on the floor. Ace Reporter takes off Singer’s wig and the man underneath is so old that could be Swinger’s grandfather. Singer goes Old School to Ace Reporter, then ups the ante with double Old School to the Sunday Morning Express. There’s a misfire from the Sunday Morning Express, allowing Singer to quicken the pace with the Tower of London. The Rythmic warriors roll up the Sunday Morning Express to win!

Rhythmic Warriors (Johnny Swinger & Mikey Singer) def Sunday Morning Express (Editor-in-Chief & Ace Reporter)

Dexter Petticoat interviews Santa Claus ahead of his IPWF International Commonwealth Television Title Street Fight against Sex Ferguson tonight as Santa says that “daddy” is coming home with the goods.

Rip Rayzor w/ Rusty Iron vs Frank The Butcher

Rip uses his girl Rusty as a shield, allowing him to take control by throwing Frank into the steel ring post. Frank tries to hit Rip with a spike but the referee catches him in the act. Rip delivers a low blow while the referee’s back is turned. Frank comes back with a spear to score the victory!

Frank The Butcher def Rip Rayzor w/ Rusty Iron

After the match, Rip slices Frank open with the spike!

Dexter Petticoat interviews former Rough Rider Georgia Cobb who speaks on the downfall of the Rough Riders at the hands of Lady Bird Johnston. While Georgia is on her way to the ring, Johnston attacks her from behind!

“Rough Rider” Georgia Cobb vs Lady Bird Johnston

Johnston puts her power on display with a Gord Buster. The Tunnel of Love is open for business as Johnston attacks her with ferocity. Georgia begins to fight back with a series of strikes, then takes Johnston off her feet with a big clothesline. Johnston introduces her signature tire iron into the match but the referee stops her from using it. Georgia lifts Johnston on her shoulders and drives her into the mat to win!

“Rough Rider” Georgia Cobb def Lady Bird Johnston

Chaos ensues as Orderly Ross is instructed to give Frank The Butcher a tracheotomy. Quincy Cosmos steals the necklace from around the neck of Giuseppe Scovelli Sr.

Giuseppe Scovelli Jr. defends his dad’s honor as he leaves the commentary booth and challenges Quincy Cosmos to a match.

Quincy Cosmos vs Giuseppe Scovelli Jr.

Scovelli is on fire from the opening bell as he delivers offense from all angles. Quincy turns it around and puts in a headlock to wear him down. Scovelli inadvertently takes out the referee, allowing Quincy’s friend to make her way down to ringside. Giuseppe Scovelli Sr. stops her from getting involved as Jr. hits a Codebreaker to win!

Giuseppe Scovelli Jr. def Quincy Cosmos

Ima Belle challenges Rusty Iron to a match later tonight. Duke Winchester gets in a car accident just outside the arena!

DJ 2 Large is in the ring for a musical performance when Colonel E. Corn interrupts him and introduces his act, Pelvis Wesley. Pelvis takes out DJ by hitting him in the back with his guitar!

Badlands Bart vs “Hard” Harry Hall – 4-Corners Bullrope Match

To win this contest, a competitor must touch all four top turnbuckles consecutively. Harry touches three turnbuckles but Bart stops him from hitting the fourth with a spinebuster. Hall hits a Black Hole Slam but Bart quickly shuts his momentum down by hitting him with the cowbell. Bart puts in a choke with the bullrope and drags Hall around the ring. Bart touches the turnbuckles but what he doesn’t realize is that Hall is also touching them. Hall touches all four turnbuckles to win the match!

“Hard” Harry Hall def Badlands Bart – 4-Corners Bullrope Match

Ima Belle vs Rusty Iron w/ Rip Rayzor

Belle drives Rusty head-first into the corner turnbuckles. Rip hooks the leg of Belle from the outside, allowing Rusty to gain control. Rusty tries to break her opponent’s back with a submission. Belle hits a back elbow, followed by an acrobatic back flip to score the victory!

Ima Belle def Rusty Iron w/ Rip Rayzor

After the bell, Rusty Iron and Rip Rayzor corner Ima Belle when Frank The Butcher makes the save!

Tim Burr vs Eric “The Red” Wood

Tim Burr looks to chop down Eric “The Red” Wood in this one-on-one contest. Eric hits a double axe-handle to the back. Tim attempts a powerslam but Eric is too big to pick up. Tim launches himself off the top rope and is still unable to take the big man off his feet. Tim saws Eric’s leg in half to break a bear hug submission. Tim finally musters the strength to hit an impressive body slam for three!

Tim Burr def Eric “The Red” Wood

The $237,000 Man, formerly The $300,000 Man, introduces Wanda The Werewoman as Jazzy Fitbody’s opponent in the upcoming match!

Jazzy Fitbody vs Wanda The Werewoman

Wanda hits a hip toss out of the corner. Wanda spins her opponent around and around before dropping her to the mat with a Samoan Drop. Wanda locks in the claw but Jazzy fights out of it with her athletic offense. The $237,000 Man tries to hit Jazzy with his cellular phone but she kicks him off the apron. The Werewoman bites Jazzy in the neck to cause the disqualification, awarding the victory to Jazzy!

Jazzy Fitbody def Wanda The Werewoman by Disqualification

S.T.O.M.P. in Paradise (GI Broski & Brian Bone-Crunchin) vs The Russians (Stalingrad Strangler & Sergey the Siberian)

Sergey pounds Brian with a series of boots. Sergey drives his shoulder into Brian’s gut, crunching the bones of Bone Crunchin. The Russians launch themselves off the apron but get caught with shots to the stomach in mid-air. Broski comes alive with a running boot to the Strangler. It looks like Broski has him beat but the Strangler grabs the bottom rope to break the referee’s count. The Russians hit a double team side Russian leg sweep on Broski. Broski uses his water gun before S.T.O.M.P. in Paradise connect with impressive double team offense to win!

S.T.O.M.P. in Paradise (GI Broski & Brian Bone-Crunchin) def The Russians (Stalingrad Strangler & Sergey the Siberian)

We see highlights from an empty arena match where Sex Ferguson defeated Downtown Daddy Brown, meaning that he is unable to challenge for the IPWF International Commonwealth Television Title!

IPWF International Commonwealth Television Champion Sex Ferguson vs Santa Claus – North Pole Street Fight for the IPWF International Commonwealth Television Championship

Santa attacks Ferguson with a broom before blinding him with a unicorn mask. Ferguson delivers a thumb to the eye of Santa, then hits him over the head with his cup. Ferguson drives Santa head-first into a steel chair. Santa begins to fight back, taking Ferguson off his feet with a running crossbody. Ferguson drinks a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon but Santa makes him pay with a Stunner. Santa pins Ferguson to become the new IPWF International Commonwealth Television Champion!

Santa Claus def IPWF International Commonwealth Television Champion Sex Ferguson – North Pole Street Fight NEW IPWF International Commonwealth Television Championship

After the match, Santa takes off his mask and it was Downtown Daddy Brown the whole time! The stars of IPWF celebrate with a few PBR’s as Winter War ’84 goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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