Thursday, November 4, 2021

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: November 4, 2021

The night begins on Before the IMPACT!

Brian Myers & The Learning Tree (VSK & Zicky Dice) vs Sam Beale, Rich Swann & Willie Mack – BTI Exclusive Match

After being on the receiving end of a three-on-one beatdown from his former teacher Brian Myers and The Learning Tree, Sam Beale has found some unlikely allies in Rich Swann and Willie Mack! Beale headbutts Zicky to the floor. Myers distracts Beale, allowing VSK to gain control with a running dropkick. Now that Beale is down, Myers tags himself in and continues the assault. Beale creates separation with a spinebuster to Myers, then makes the tag to Swann. The pace quickens as Willie takes out The Learning Tree with a dive to the outside. Myers counters the Handspring Cutter from Swann into a sit-down driver. Moments later, Swann successfully hits the Handspring Cutter before making the tag to Beale who pins Myers with a Roster Cut!

Sam Beale, Rich Swann & Willie Mack def Brian Myers & The Learning Tree (VSK & Zicky Dice) – BTI Exclusive Match

An all-new IMPACT! from Sam’s Town in Las Vegas is on the air.

Steve Maclin vs Rohit Raju w/ Raj Singh vs Laredo Kid vs Black Taurus w/ Crazzy Steve – X-Division Championship #1 Contenders Match

Who will be next to challenge Trey Miguel for the X-Division Championship? We find out in this four-way clash! The action is fast and furious from the opening bell as Rohit takes out Maclin with a dive.

Laredo hits Taurus with a Hurricanrana from the top. Laredo hits a top rope Moonsault, colliding with everyone on the outside. Raj gets involved from ringside, allowing Rohit to take control. Taurus hits Maclin with a pop-up Samoan Drop but Laredo breaks the pin with a springboard Swanton. Moments later, Laredo almost puts Taurus away with a springboard splash. Rohit hits a Flatliner on Laredo for two. Laredo comes back and hits Rohit with a driver for three!

Laredo Kid def Rohit Raju w/ Raj Singh, Steve Maclin & Black Taurus w/ Crazzy Steve – X-Division Championship #1 Contenders Match

After the match, X-Division Champion Trey Miguel comes to the ring and shakes hands with Laredo Kid. Steve Maclin attacks both of them from behind but Trey and Laredo work together to send the big man retreating up the ramp!

In an interview with Gia Miller, Madison Rayne declares victory over Knockouts World Champion Mickie James tonight. Gia has heard that Madison is also set to host Locker Room Talk with Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The IInspiration but Madison doesn’t know what she’s talking about.

Gia Miller interviews Ace Austin and Madman Fulton. Before Fulton goes one-on-one with Chris Sabin tonight, Ace brags about beating Sabin himself last week. Ace reveals his new t-shirt that reads “I beat Chris Sabin”.

Violent By Design is in the ring, led by Eric Young who is now medically cleared to compete. Young talks about how Rhino made the wrong decision when he betrayed VBD and reunited with Heath. Young says that it’s once again time for the “master of violence” to get his hands dirty and it starts right now. Young’s opponent comes to the ring and it’s a local competitors from the Las Vegas area, Jai Vidal. Young claims that Jai has “the disease” but he can give him “the cure”.

Eric Young w/ Violent By Design (Joe Doering & Deaner) vs Jai Vidal

Young makes quick work of Vidal as he hits a powerbomb out of the corner, followed by the Piledriver to win.

Eric Young w/ Violent By Design (Joe Doering & Deaner) def Jai Vidal

Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The IInspiration arrive to the set of Locker Room Talk but it becomes apparent that they were setup for the former champs, Decay! Havok and Rosemary play mind games with Cassie Lee and Jessie McKay as the words “Turning Point” appear written on the mirror.

Moments later, Gia Miller interviews The IInspiration. Cassie Lee’s game plan is to “fight ghosts with ghosts” and begins her search for the Undead Bridesmaids, Kimber Lee and Brandie Lauren.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs FinJuice (Juice Robinson & David Finlay)

FinJuice look to get themselves back in the IMPACT World Tag Team Title hunt as they face off against the champs in this non-title match! Juice knocks Gallows off the apron but the distraction allows Anderson to toss him to the outside. Gallows deliver a big boot to Juice on the floor. Gallows wears Juice down with a grueling headlock. Juice fights out of it with a jawbreaker to creates separation and make the tag. The pace quickens as Finlay takes out Gallows with a springboard crossbody. Finlay hits a backbreaker on Anderson for two. Anderson avoids the Doomsday Device, leading to a flurry of action that takes everyone off their feet. Out of nowhere, the Bullet Club hits the ring, bringing the match to an abrupt end.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) vs FinJuice (Juice Robinson & David Finlay) Ends in a No Contest

Chris Bey, Hikuleo and El Phantasmo lay out both teams before standing tall with the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles.

Hernandez tells Johnny Swinger that he can help him raise money to open a new Swinger’s Palace in Las Vegas.

Scott D’Amore tells FinJuice that they’ll be facing the Bullet Club in an IMPACT World Tag Team Title #1 Contenders match next week!

Knockouts World Champion Mickie James vs Madison Rayne w/ Kaleb With a K – Knockouts World Championship

One of the greatest rivalries in Knockouts history is renewed as new Knockouts World Champion Mickie James defends her title against Madison Rayne! Mickie is in control as Kaleb tries to pull Madison to safety. Mickie drags her back in the ring and hits a flapjack. Madison distracts the referee, allowing Kaleb to push Mickie off the top rope. Madison hits a flurry of kicks, followed by a neckbreaker to turn the tide. Mickie turns her attention to Kaleb once again, and Madison capitalizes with Ripcord Cutter for two. Kaleb tries to slap Mickie as retaliation for what she did to him last week but he misses and hits the steel ring post. Mickie takes Kaleb out of the equation by tossing him into the steps. In the ring, Mickie soars off the top and pins Madison to win!

Knockouts World Champion Mickie James def Madison Rayne w/ Kaleb With a K – Knockouts World Championship

After the match, Mercedes Martinez confronts Mickie James and reminds her that she won the Knockouts Knockdown Tournament to earn a Knockouts World Title opportunity. Martinez announces that she will be challenging Mickie for the Knockouts World Title on November 20th at Turning Point!

Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The IInspiration find the Undead Bridesmaids in the back and ask them if they want to face Decay on their behalf next week. Kimber Lee and Brandi Lauren seem interested as their search for “fresh souls” continues.

Josh Alexander, Eddie Edwards and Matt Cardona tell Gia Miller that they all want the same thing – a shot at the IMPACT World Champion, Moose! But tonight, they must be on the same page as they team up in six-man tag team action against Moose, W. Morrissey and NJPW legend Minoru Suzuki.

Madman Fulton w/ Ace Austin vs Chris Sabin

Chris Sabin seeks revenge on Madman Fulton for costing him the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at Bound For Glory and his match against Ace Austin last week! Sabin uses his speed advantage to send Fulton the floor. Sabin goes for a dive but is caught in mid-air and choke-slammed on the apron. Fulton remains in control with a jumping clothesline off the second rope. Sabin launches himself off the second rope, taking Fulton off his feet with a crossbody to the outside. Sabin counters a swinging slam, then rolls up Fulton to score the victory!

Chris Sabin def Madman Fulton w/ Ace Austin

IMPACT Wrestling presents Turning Point, streaming LIVE November 20th at 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders. The IInspiration defend the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles against Decay, Laredo Kid challenges Trey Miguel for the X-Division Title, Mickie James puts the Knockouts World Title on the line against Mercedes Martinez and more!

This Tuesday on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders, Jordynne Grace defends the Digital Media Championship against John Skyler!

Don’t miss an all-new IMPACT! next Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders. Decay take on the Undead Bridesmaids, Bullet Club battles FinJuice in a #1 Contenders match for the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles and more!

IMPACT World Champion Moose, W. Morrissey & Minoru Suzuki vs Josh Alexander, Eddie Edwards & Matt Cardona

Minoru Suzuki makes his IMPACT in-ring debut in one of the most star-studded six-man tag team matches in IMPACT Wrestling history!

Edwards, Alexander and Cardona have the momentum following a flurry of dives to the floor. Cardona hits Moose with a top rope missile dropkick. Suzuki locks in an armbar on Cardona, allowing Moose to turn the tide. Moose, Morrissey and Suzuki wear Cardona down as they cut off the ring and employ quick tags. Cardona creates separation with a Codebreaker to Moose, giving him the opportunity to tag in Alexander. Moose gets sent for a ride as Alexander hits him with one German suplex after another. Morrissey counters the C4 Spike but ends up getting hit with a German suplex instead. Edwards hits Morrissey with the Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Battle lines have been drawn as both teams exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Suzuki connects with the Gotch Piledriver on Alexander. Morrissey hits Edwards with a thunderous big boot, followed by the Powerbomb to win!

IMPACT World Champion Moose, W. Morrissey & Minoru Suzuki def Josh Alexander, Eddie Edwards & Matt Cardona

IMPACT! goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

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