Tuesday, March 24, 2020

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results – March 24, 2020

We kick things off with an X-Division Scramble Match to determine who gets the next shot at Ace Austin’s X-Division Championship.

Willie Mack vs Chris Bey vs Acey Romero vs Daga vs Rohit Raju vs Jake Crist vs Cousin Jake vs Trey – X-Division #1 Contender Scramble Match

Whoever scores the first pin or submission will be be the #1 Contender for the X-Division Championship. Bey and Trey team up with double top rope dropkicks to take Acey off his feet. The alliance doesn’t last long as it’s every man for himself in this Scramble. Rohit hits Bey with a swinging neckbreaker but Cousin Jake breaks up the pin. Cousin Jake connects with a massive powerbomb on Rohit. Willie takes out Jake Crist with a scooping slam, followed by a standing Moonsault. Acey heads to the top rope but Cousin Jake cuts him off. There’s a huge Tower of Doom out of the corner as everyone teams up to get the big man off the top rope. Daga tries to steal the victory with a follow up frog splash but Acey kicks out. Acey dives through the ropes, crashing into a sea of humanity on the floor. Willie hits Cousin Jake with the Six Star Frog Splash while he’s attempting a pin on Jake Crist. Willie pins Cousin Jake to win.

Willie Mack def Cousin Jake, Acey Romero, Daga, Rohit Raju, Jake Crist, Chris Bey & Trey – X-Division #1 Contender Scramble Match

Jake Crist tries to convince Dave that Sami Callihan is testing them and that is why he hasn’t talked to them in months.

Moose vs Chase Stevens

The former Natural, Chase Stevens returns to IMPACT Wrestling tonight. Moose gains the early advantage by attacking Stevens while he’s entering the ring. Stevens quickly turns it around, showing no signs of ring rust. Stevens hits a German suplex, followed by a scissors kick for two. Moose hangs up Stevens on the top rope, then connects with the No Jackhammer Needed Spear to win.

Moose def Chase Stevens

After the match, Moose continues to attack Stevens. Moose pummels him with a steel chair, sending a message that people should stop talking about TNA and start talking about him. Moose wraps a steel chair around Stevens’ neck but before he can do any damage, Scott D’amore interrupts. Scott says if Moose wants a piece of TNA, all he has to do is turn around. Perched on the top rope is none other than TNA fan-favorite, Suicide who takes out Moose with a big dropkick.

Rosemary confronts a mortal at the bar and questions how she can be so happy all the time. Rosemary makes an argument that everyone’s sole purpose is to seek vengeance. In her case, for the death of the bunny. She encounters the hardcore icon Raven who disagrees with her and says the feeling of unresolved issues, like his with Tommy Dreamer, will last forever.

X-Division Champion Ace Austin, accompanied by Reno Scum, congratulate Willie Mack for winning the X-Division #1 Contender Scramble Match earlier tonight. Willie says he can see through Ace’s lies, claiming he’s still the Ace of old. Johnny Swinger interrupts and realizes this is the end of the Mack and Pack Connection. Swinger says that if Willie wins the X-Division Title, he wants a shot.

Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) vs Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

Reno Scum jump-start the match with an attack from behind. Wentz is recovering on the floor while Thornstowe and Luster wear down Dez inside the ring. Dez still has his entrance attire on as Reno Scum doesn’t give him a chance to breathe. Dez has a burst of momentum and is finally able to tag in Wentz. Luster gets caught with a big boot from Wentz for two. Both Rascalz head to the top but Thornstowe sends Wentz crashing to the floor. Dez takes him off the apron with a kick. Luster hits Dez with a massive clothesline, followed by a top rope double foot stomp from Thornstowe to win.

Reno Scum (Adam Thornstowe & Luster The Legend) def Rascalz (Dez & Wentz)

Cancel Culture looks to cancel The Deaners by sending this bold message.

Cody Deaners expresses his worry to Cousin Jake about being cancelled by Cancel Culture.

The ICU hacker Sami Callihan once again hacks into the broadcast and sends a message to Ken Shamrock.

oVe (Madman Fulton & Dave Crist) vs Rhino & Sabu w/ Super Genie – Old School Rules

Old School Rules basically means – there are none. Rhino spears Fulton in the corner, then clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. Sabu back body drops Dave into Fulton and dropkicks them both on the floor. Rhino and Dave brawl up the ramp. Super Genie throws a steel chair to Sabu who clobbers Fulton with it. Fulton press slams Dave on top of Sabu for two. Rhino connects with a big Spinebuster on Dave but Fulton breaks up the pin. Sabu launches a steel chair into Fulton’s head, then uses the chair as a launching pad to soar through the air. Dave delivers a low blow to Rhino. The referee confronts him about the low blow causing Dave to lose his cool and push him to the mat. The referee ducks a clothesline from Dave. Rhino catches Dave off guard with the Gore to win.

Rhino & Sabu w/ Super Genie def oVe (Madman Fulton & Dave Crist) – Old School Rules

World Champion Tessa Blanchard & Eddie Edwards vs Michael Elgin & Taya Valkyrie w/ John E Bravo

Four of IMPACT Wrestling’s top athletes compete in this star-studded tag team match. Tessa targets Elgin’s surgically repaired knee in the early going. Taya pulls Tessa off the apron, then tosses her into the steel ring steps. Elgin hits Eddie with a massive powerslam for two. Elgin and Eddie exchange strong shots in the middle of the ring. Elgin is about to powerbomb Tessa off the top rope but she counters with a Hurricanrana. Tessa builds momentum with a Samoan Drop to Taya. Eddie is on fire as he sends Elgin flying with a belly-to-belly suplex. Eddie is about to dive when Taya intercepts him. Tessa launches herself off Eddie’s back to knock Taya off the apron. Both Tessa and Eddie fly to the outside with in-sync dives. Tessa attempts Magnum but Elgin catches and powerbombs her on the back of Eddie. Tessa will not stay down as she hits Elgin with a reverse Hurricanrana, followed by a tornado DDT. Elgin charges at Eddie but he ducks, causing him to flatten Tessa with a clothesline. Taya takes out Tessa on the floor with a top rope dive. Elgin puts Eddie away with the Elgin Bomb to win.

Michael Elgin & Taya Valkyrie w/ John E Bravo def Eddie Edwards & World Champion Tessa Blanchard

Su Yung Battles Havok Inside the Undead Realm

It’s time for Su Yung and Havok to battle inside the Undead Realm. Su steps into the coffin, transporting herself to the place of darkness. James Mitchell and Havok confront her upon arrival. Mitchell says one of them has to go and it’s going to be Su. Both warriors grab weapons and the battle begins. Su begins to choke out Havok when a mysterious masked figure wakes up and attacks her. Su fights back and slashes them with a blade. The Undead Bride turns her attention to Mitchell but that gives Havok an opening to charge her from behind. Su turns the tide and just when it looks as though she is going to deliver the final blow to Havok, Mitchell steps in. He says Su was the one he should’ve been with all along, not Havok. However, Mitchell claims that both warriors are too much trouble for their worth and commands his minions to end them. Mitchell transports both of them to the barren wastelands of the Undead Realm.

Su Yung and Havok traverse the barren wastelands of the Undead Realm after both being betrayed by Father James Mitchell. Rosemary teleports to them and proposes an alliance, claiming she can undo what Mitchell has done to them. They all agree, prompting Rosemary to return them to where Mitchell sits in the Undead Realm. Su Yung is about to put an end to him but Havok wants to inflict the final blow herself. After she does, Mitchell is transported to what is believed to be heaven. IMPACT! goes off the air.

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