Saturday, March 30, 2019

LAX vs. Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards

LAX, Santana and Ortiz, have been rolling towards Rebellion where they will face The Lucha Bros! for the World Tag Team Titles in Full Metal Mayhem.

LuchaBrosLAX LAX vs. Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards Santana Ortiz LAX Eli Drake Eddie Edwards

However, this Friday on IMPACT, LAX faces the unknown in a team that has really come together over the past couple months. Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards. They are both former World Champions, they are both former World Tag Team Champions and they are now clicking as a team. Can they defeat the former 3x World Tag Team Champions? Can they disrupt the Tag Team Division? It all goes down on Friday on a brand new IMPACT Wrestling.

The post LAX vs. Eli Drake and Eddie Edwards appeared first on IMPACT Wrestling.

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