Friday, December 28, 2018

IMPACT Wrestling Results – December 27, 2018

The amazing matches and moments continue as IMPACT Wrestling presents the Best of 2018, Part Two!

Rich Swann vs. Fenix – IMPACT! July 5th, 2018

Swann and Fenix are evenly matched in the early going, matching each other’s speed and agility.

Swann hits a corkscrew flip dive from the second rope to the outside!

Fenix launches himself over the top rope and hits a slingblade on the floor!

Swann avoids a Moonsault but Fenix stays on him and connects with a cutter.

Fenix goes for a handspring cutter but Swann counters with a handstand! Then, both competitors hit each other with in-sync handspring neckbreakers as both are laid out!

Swann hits a second rope 450 splash for a near fall.

Fenix hits a Hurricanrana off the top, followed by the Fire Thunder Driver but Swann kicks out!

Fenix connects with a modified muscle buster into sitdown powerbomb to win!

The post IMPACT Wrestling Results – December 27, 2018 appeared first on IMPACT Wrestling.

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