Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Desi Hit Squad, The Ultimate Test and who was that MAN?

What happened on Thursday last week? It was the Ultimate Test for Rohit Raju against his mentor and leader in Gama Singh, but the match was thwarted by an unknown man who came in, attacked Rohit and then Gama raised the arms of both men? What was that? We still have no idea. Our calls to Gama have gone unreturned.

Now Thursday night we know the Desi Hit Squad will be in action and we don’t know what to expect and we aren’t certain that Rohit knows what to expect either. Gama has a plan and we all get to sit back and watch as Gama leads the Desi Hit Squad into 2019 after a stunning 2018 for this group from India.

The post Desi Hit Squad, The Ultimate Test and who was that MAN? appeared first on IMPACT Wrestling.

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