Thursday, June 30, 2022

IMPACT! on AXS TV Results: June 30, 2022

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It’s time for an exclusive match Before the IMPACT. Brian Myers comes down to ringside and says that Rich Swann earned his respect in their Digital Media Title match at Slammiversary. Myers is here to watch the match from the best seat in the house – and provide commentary.

Digital Media Champion Rich Swann vs Raj Singh w/ Shera

Singh takes control in the early going with a backbreaker, followed by a powerslam. Singh dumps him to the outside where Shera continues the assault behind the referee’s back. Singh hits a running clothesline for two. Singh connects with a German suplex into the corner turnbuckles. Myers provides a distraction from ringside but Swann makes both him and Shera pay with a somersault off the apron. Swann hits the handspring cutter, 450 splash combo on Singh to win!

Digital Media Champion Rich Swann def Raj Singh w/ Shera

After the match, Myers takes out Swann with the Roster Cut clothesline, then assaults the champ with the Digital Media Title. Myers says that he wants his rematch for the Digital Media Championship and he wants it this Friday at Against All Odds!

Digital Media Champion Rich Swann def Raj Singh w/ Shera

Just 24 hours away from Against All Odds, an all-new IMPACT! is on the air.

After Honor No More blamed PCO for their loss at Slammiversary, James Storm tries to recruit him for his team in the five-on-five showdown at Against All Odds. Vincent interrupts and brings the situation to a halt before PCO can answer.

Chris Bey vs Laredo Kid vs Steve Maclin vs Trey Miguel – Winner Challenges X-Division Champion at Against All Odds

Who will earn an X-Division Title opportunity against “Speedball” Mike Bailey tomorrow night at Against All Odds? We find out now in this four-way opening contest! Maclin attempts Mayhem For All but Miguel breaks it up with a missile dropkick from the top. Maclin turns the tide and has Miguel Caught in the Crosshairs. Reigning champ Mike Bailey is seen watching the match on a monitor backstage. Miguel takes Maclin off the apron all the way to the floor with a running Hurricanrana. Bey takes out everyone with a springboard Moonsault to the outside. Kid counters The Art of Finesse into a rollup for two. Bey comes back with a pop-up cutter but Miguel breaks the count. Miguel hits the Meteora on Bey to score the victory!

Trey Miguel def Chris Bey, Steve Maclin & Laredo Kid – Winner Challenges X-Division Champion at Against All Odds

Raven says that he designed the Clockwork Orange House of Fun to be barbaric, cruel and inhumane. This Friday at Against All Odds, Moose and Sami Callihan look to settle the score in that very match.

Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Rosemary w/ Taya Valkyrie vs Gisele Shaw

Gisele Shaw looks to take out Rosemary tonight and if she does, she may become Madison Rayne’s replacement in the The Influence’s Knockouts World Tag Team Title rematch after Rayne was injured at Slammiversary! Speaking of The Influence, Madison Rayne and Tenille Dashwood join Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary. Rosemary takes a bite out of Shaw in the opening moments of the match. Rosemary has her reeling after driving her repeatedly into the corner turnbuckle. Shaw hangs her up on the top rope, then hits a running clothesline to gain control. Rosemary avoids a knee strike, then connects with an Exploder suplex out of the corner. Shaw almost puts her away with a springboard cutter. Dashwood sends Valkyrie head-first into the steel ring post. The distraction allows Shaw to capitalize with a running knee to win!

Gisele Shaw def Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Rosemary w/ Taya Valkyrie

After the match, Rayne, Dashwood and Shaw continue the assault on Rosemary as it appears that Shaw has been welcomed into The Influence.

Mickie James is confronted by Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo during an interview with Gia Miller. Green and Purrazzo suggest that James lacks chemistry with her partner at Against All Odds, Mia Yim. James agrees that she does fight her own battles – no matter the cost. James attacks both Green and Purrazzo as Yim comes in to even the odds.

Rosemary summons Father James Mitchell and demands that he tell Havok to return from the Undead Realm. Havok hasn’t been seen in IMPACT Wrestling since falling to Masha Slamovich just a few weeks ago.

Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace vs Savannah Evans w/ Tasha Steelz

Before Jordynne Grace defends the Knockouts World Title against former champ Tasha Steelz at Against All Odds, she must first get by the powerful Savannah Evans! Grace puts her own power on display as she takes Evans off her feet with a running shoulder tackle. Steelz tries to get involved at ringside, allowing Evans to capitalize with a chokeslam on the apron. Evans remains in control by driving her back-first into the steel ring post. Grace fights off a Full Nelson, then begins to build momentum with a series of strikes. Grace hits an impressive Muscle Buster to score the victory!

Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace def Savannah Evans w/ Tasha Steelz

Joe Doering was one of the most feared competitors in Japanese wrestling history. Tomorrow night at Against All Odds, his undefeated streak is on the line as he challenges Josh Alexander for the IMPACT World Title.

Gia Miller conducts a sit-down interview with IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander after he retained his title against Eric Young at a historic Slammiversary event. Alexander says that it meant everything to him to usher in the next 20 years of IMPACT Wrestling as the World Champion. Alexander is focused on Joe Doering tomorrow night at Against All Odds but the question is looming in the back of his mind, will Eric Young show up again?

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) w/ James Storm vs Honor No More (Vincent & PCO) w/ Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Maria Kanellis & Kenny King – IMPACT World Tag Team Championship

We get a preview of what’s to come in the five-on-five showdown at Against All Odds as The Good Brothers’ IMPACT World Tag Team Titles are up for grabs! Vincent hangs up Anderson on the top rope, allowing PCO to gain control with a big clothesline. Vincent remains in the driver’s seat with a Flatliner. PCO soars off the top with a Deanimator to Anderson. Moments later, Anderson is able to create separation with a Spinebuster to Vincent. Anderson makes the tag to Gallows who goes on the attack. PCO stops a Magic Killer attempt on Vincent. Anderson avoids Red Rum, then rolls up Vincent to retain the titles!

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) w/ James Storm def Honor No More (Vincent & PCO) w/ Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Maria Kanellis & Kenny King – IMPACT World Tag Team Championship

After the match, Honor No More attacks James Storm and The Good Brothers until Chris Harris and Heath make the save with a pair of steel pipes!

Backstage, it is revealed that Chris Harris and Heath will join James Storm and The Good Brothers in the five-on-five showdown against Honor No More this Friday at Against All Odds. After not allowing Harris to join them due to his physical condition, Harris convinces Storm that he needs to finish this so that he can move on.

Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey vs Alex Zayne

Bullet Club’s newest member Ace Austin goes one-on-one with his former friend, Alex Zayne! Austin is reeling after Zayne picks him off the top rope with a pair of head scissors. Austin sends Zayne head-first into the steel ring post in order to gain the advantage. Zayne begins to build with momentum with a flipping leg drop to the back of the neck. Zayne hits the Baja Blast but Austin avoids the follow-up Cinnamon Twist. Austin hits his signature springboard kick but Zayne counters the fold into a pop-up knee strike. Zayne takes out both Austin and Bey at ringside with a springboard backflip. Bey grabs Zayne’s leg, allowing Austin to capitalize with The Fold to win!

Ace Austin w/ Chris Bey def Alex Zayne

Who will seize victory in their battle Against All Odds? Find out LIVE THIS FRIDAY at 8pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders from Center Stage in Atlanta, GA! Tickets are on-sale now at Moose and Sami Callihan go to war in a Clockwork Orange House of Fun match. Mike Bailey defends the X-Division Title against Trey Miguel. Brian Myers challenges Rich Swann for the Digital Media Title in a Dot Combat match. The Motor City Machine Guns renew hostilities with the Bullet Club as they battle Ace Austin and Chris Bey. Mia Yim joins forces with Mickie James to take on Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo. Tasha Steelz receives her contractually-obligated rematch for the Knockouts World Title against the new champion, Jordynne Grace. Honor No More collides with America’s Most Wanted, IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers and Heath in a five-on-five showdown. Gisele Shaw and Tenille Dashwood challenge Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles. In the main event, Josh Alexander defends the IMPACT World Title against the undefeated Joe Doering.

Watch Green Ghost and the Masters of the Stone on demand!

Frankie Kazarian vs Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley

With their victory over Honor No More in the rearview mirror, Frankie Kazarian and Chris Sabin can resume the Battle of the Futures in tonight’s highly-anticipated main event! Brian Hebner is the referee as he officiates his final match before retiring. Sabin targets the left knee of Kazarian in the early going. Sabin locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock but Kazarian quickly grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. Sabin hits a springboard leg drop, followed by a strong clothesline to turn the tide. Kazarian sends him into the steel ring post with the Wave of the Future. Sabin dives through the ropes, colliding with Kazarian on the outside. Sabin follows up with a top rope crossbody for two. Kazarian hits another springboard leg drop but it’s not enough to keep Sabin down. Kazarian spikes him with the slingshot DDT for another near fall. Sabin hits a mid-air superkick, followed by a tornado DDT on the floor. Back in the ring, Kazarian catches him with the cutter. Sabin hits the Cradle Shock for yet another near fall. After exchanging in a flurry of offense, Sabin hits the Clothesline from Hell, Michigan, followed by the Cradle Shock to win!

Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley def Frankie Kazarian

After the match, Sabin helps Kazarian to his feet as they show each other respect in the middle of the ring. IMPACT! goes off the air.

from IMPACT Wrestling

X-Division Title & Knockouts World Tag Team Titles On the Line, MCMG vs Bullet Club, America’s Most Wanted Reunite & More at Against All Odds This Friday

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At Against All Odds, Mike Bailey is set to make his first X-Division Title defense since dethroning Ace Austin in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary. Former X-Division Champion Trey Miguel won a four-way #1 contenders match over Chris Bey, Steve Maclin and Laredo Kid to earn an opportunity at reclaiming the gold. Having handed Bailey his first and only singles loss since coming to IMPACT Wrestling, does Miguel have Speedball’s number?

Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie made their triumphant tag team return at Slammiversary as they defeated The Influence to become the new Knockouts World Tag Team Champions. Madison Rayne suffered an injury during the match, leaving Tenille Dashwood without a partner for their contractually-obligated rematch. Queue Gisele Shaw, who was looking for a new tag team partner after her alliance with Alisha fell short of expectations. Following a singles victory over Rosemary, Shaw was welcomed into The Influence to challenge Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles at Against All Odds!

The Motor City Machine Guns are set to renew their longstanding rivalry with Bullet Club when they battle two of the group’s newest members, Ace Austin and Chris Bey. Just 24 hours removed from Sabin’s victory over Frankie Kazarian and Austin’s victory over Alex Zayne, both teams are heading into Against All Odds with momentum on their side. Who will fire the next shot when the Guns and the Bullet Club collide in Atlanta?

After falling to the IMPACT Originals at Slammiversary, Honor No More found themselves in a heated brawl with James Storm, The Briscoes and new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers on IMPACT. Realizing that the war between IMPACT Wrestling and Honor No More was far from over, IMPACT Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore made a colossal 10-man tag team match for Against All Odds! Representing Honor No More will be Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Kenny King and Vincent. But later in the night, Eddie Edwards led a steel chair assault on “Dem Boys”, taking them out of action much like they did to Team IMPACT members Heath and Rhino. D’Amore informed Gia Miller that The Briscoes will not be cleared to compete. Storm and The Good Brothers were tasked with finding two new partners and on the final IMPACT! before Against All Odds, they were revealed: Storm’s longtime tag team partner in America’s Most Wanted, Chris Harris, and a vengeful Heath!

The action begins on Countdown to Against All Odds streaming LIVE & FREE at 7:30pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube. After reclaiming possession of the Digital Media Championship at Slammiversary, Rich Swann must put his title on the line against Brian Myers once again but this time, it’s a Dot Combat match! With no disqualifications, no count outs and a plethora of tech-related weaponry, there’s no telling what might happen.

Also on Countdown to Against All Odds, Black Taurus goes one-on-one with Laredo Kid in a battle between two of Lucha Libre AAA’s hottest stars! With the X-Division more stacked than ever, there’s nothing these masked warriors won’t do in order to score the victory and move up the rankings ladder.

Who will seize victory in their battle Against All Odds? Find out LIVE THIS FRIDAY at 8pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders from Center Stage in Atlanta, GA! Tickets are on-sale now at

from IMPACT Wrestling

Bernal and Hudson each seek critical win on NXT Level Up

from WWE: WWE News

Seven to address NXT UK Universe after heinous assault of Bate

from WWE: WWE News

Logan Paul signs WWE contract

from WWE: WWE News

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Photo of Joey Ryan working at Disneyland goes viral, company says he is no longer working there

Joey Ryan is no longer working at Disneyland after a photo of him working at the Jungle Cruise attraction went viral on social media. Ryan, real name Joseph Meehan, worked at the theme park for three months in a probationary status, according to the Los Angeles Times. Disneyland reportedly declined to hire him as a […]

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from Wrestling News

WWE NXT 2.0 (6/28/22) ratings drop from last week

The ratings for the latest edition of WWE NXT 2.0 are in. The show drew 570,000 live viewers on the USA Network, which is down from the 637,000 viewers the show previously drew a week ago, according to Brandon Thurston of WrestleNomics. This was the lowest total viewership since late May. It did a 0.11 […]

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from Wrestling News

Wrestling legend reveals John Cena asked permission to use his finisher during Cena’s early career

On this week’s “Busted Open” Tommy Dreamer said John Cena asked him if it was okay to use the Dreamer’s finisher when he first started getting pushed in WWE. “I was blessed to work with John. It kind of was my deal when I worked with WWE. I worked with everyone when they first started […]

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from Wrestling News

Bellator MMA fighter Valerie Loureda signs multi-year deal with WWE

Bellator MMA star Valerie Loureda is the fighter to make the jump from fighting to pro wrestling. While speaking with ESPN today, Loureda confirmed she has signed a multi-year contract with WWE. She is slated to move to Orlando from Miami and report to the WWE Performance Center on July 19. Although Loureda will be […]

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from Wrestling News

Ronda Rousey comments on the end of her MMA career and decision to retire

Ronda Rousey put women’s MMA on the map after making a name for herself in Strikeforce and becoming a superstar in the UFC. From her debut fight in the UFC, she was one of the biggest box office draws in the history of the sport. After a dominant run as the UFC Women’s Bantamweight Champion, […]

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from Wrestling News

Sting names his Mount Rushmore of pro wrestling

Some fans might consider Sting among the names of wrestlers on their Mount Rushmore pro wrestling list. While speaking with The Schmo, the current AEW gave his own list of wrestlers he would put on Mount Rushmore. This is an opinionated question as people have different answers to the Mount Rushmore question of listing their […]

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from Wrestling News

Official Survivor Series Ticket and Experience Packages available now

from WWE: WWE News

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

WWE Money in the Bank: Match Card, How to Watch, Previews, Start Time and More

from WWE: WWE News

Brock Lesnar advertised for upcoming WWE Raw event

Brock Lesnar continues to be added to upcoming WWE events now that he’s back on television when he took out Roman Reigns two weeks ago on SmackDown. The company has confirmed they will meet  for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship in a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam As previously reported, Lesnar is scheduled to […]

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from Wrestling News

Vote now for the ESPYS' WWE Moment of the Year

from WWE: WWE News

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door a huge success with a $1 million gate, over $5 million PPV revenue

Tony Khan announced on Twitter that Sunday’s Forbidden Door pay-per-view generated over $1 million in ticket sales and $5 million on pay-per-view. The final numbers are not in yet but Khan indicated on Sunday that they were on track for over 100,000 pay-per-view buys, which is beyond impressive especially with a card that was filled […]

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from Wrestling News

Monday, June 27, 2022

Ex-WWE wrestler corroborates Rita Chatterton rape allegation against Vince McMahon

Former WWE referee Rita Chatterton was interviewed for the first time in decades in New York Magazine by Abraham Riesman, the author of the upcoming unauthorized Vince McMahon autobiography. Chatterton did not want to go into details on what allegdly happened in 1986 in a limousine but her story was corroborated by ex-wrestler Mario Mancini […]

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from Wrestling News

Raven Set to Appear LIVE at the Against All Odds Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match

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This Friday at Against All Odds, Moose and Sami Callihan look to settle their heated rivalry in the Clockwork Orange House of Fun. And we can now confirm that the inventor of the match, IMPACT Wrestling veteran Raven, is set to make an appearance! What does he have in store for the competitors in what can only be described as one of the most hardcore, extreme match types in all of professional wrestling?

Who will seize victory in their battle Against All Odds? Find out LIVE THIS FRIDAY at 8pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders from Center Stage in Atlanta, GA! Tickets are on-sale now at

from IMPACT Wrestling

Shayna Baszler believes NXT once had “the best women’s locker room there has ever been in women’s wrestling”

This week on “Out of Character with Ryan Satin,” Shayna Baszler discussed her time in NXT and being portrayed as a bully. Shayna Baszler was asked to talk about her time in NXT: “I will go to my deathbed and say that the women’s locker room at the time that we had, like around the […]

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from Wrestling News

Ikemen Jiro set to show Giovanni Vinci a lesson in style

from WWE: WWE News

Indi Hartwell looks to crunch Kiana James’ numbers

from WWE: WWE News’-numbers

What’s streaming this week on Peacock and WWE Network

from WWE: WWE News

Sunday, June 26, 2022

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door: FTR win IWGP World Tag Team Titles

At AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door, there was a Winner Take All match between ROH World Tag Team Champions FTR vs. IWGP Tag Team Champions United Empire (Great-O-Khan and Jeff Cobb) vs. Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero) to unify both sets of titles. Dax Harwood was taken to the back in the early […]

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from Wrestling News

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door results: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Shota Umino, Wheeler Yuta

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door kicked off with Le Sex Gods (Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara) and Minoru Suzuki against Eddie Kingston, Shota Umino, and Wheeler Uta. The crowd was super hot for everything, including a massive pop for when Suzuki and Kingston faced off and traded chops to the chest. A lot happened and […]

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from Wrestling News

Former WWE star has apparently signed with AEW, potential spoiler for Forbidden Door PPV

It looks like a former WWE star has signed with AEW and is likely to debut tonight at the Forbidden Door pay-per-view. Fightful is reporting that AEW has filmed Blood and Guts promotional material with Claudio Castagnoli (former WWE star Cesaro). This also pours a ton of fuel on the rumors that he will be […]

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from Wrestling News

AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door Results: Live Coverage

AEW x NJPW: The Forbidden Door June 26, 2022 United Center Chicago, Illinois We are live with our ongoing coverage of AEW x NJPW: The Forbidden Door. The Buy In: The Factory (QT Marshall and Aaron Solo vs Bishamon (Hirooki Goto and Yoshi-Hashi) – The match starts off with The Gunn Club (Billy, Colten, and […]

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from Wrestling News

WrestleMania celebrity teases return to the ring, potential WWE SummerSlam match

WWE fans haven’t heard much from Logan Paul ever since The Miz turned on him at WrestleMania but it looks like his return to the ring is coming soon. Paul tweeted out photos of himself training in a wrestling ring. The photos appear to have been taken at the Performance Center in Orlando and WWE […]

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from Wrestling News

Orange Cassidy set to get a new licensed entrance theme song

Orange Cassidy will be getting a new theme song soon after the AEW star teased on Twitter that he was “getting something new.” Fightful Select reported that  the working plan is for him to get a new, but familiar theme song in the form of Jefferson’s Starship’s “Jane.” It was said the promotion secured licensing […]

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from Wrestling News

Final betting odds for tonight’s AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door

The final betting odds for tonight’s AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door event has been released. There are 12 total matches with 6 title bouts featured. Jon Moxley remains a heavy favorite to win the Interim AEW World Championship while Miro is still favored to win the Vacant AEW All-Atlantic Championship. ROH Tag Team Champions FTR […]

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from Wrestling News

PHOTO: AEW’s Taz shows off incredible weight loss

Taz has been working on getting into better shape and that has paid off in a big way. The AEW commentator took to Twitter to share a photo of himself from AEW’s Road to Forbidden Door special that shows him looking in fantastic shape. He captioned the photo: “If anyone give a sh**…I’m down 37LBS….I […]

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from Wrestling News

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Former WWE star debuting at AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door PPV?

There’s a lot of speculation on who will be Zack Sabre Jr’s opponent tomorrow night at the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door pay-per-view and all signs point to a former WWE star making his debut. As many of you saw on AEW Dynamite, Bryan Danielson had to pull out of the match with Sabre Jr […]

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from Wrestling News

WWE’s Randy Orton shows off clean shaven look in recent photos

Randy Orton seems to be doing well, despite his reported back issues. A Randy Orton fan account on Twitter posted some photos of Orton at a swimming pool in Missouri and he seems to be in good spirits. He has also slightly changed his look by shaving his face and mustache. Also, as you can […]

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from Wrestling News

NJPW star pulled from AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door PPV

AEW announced today that Hiromu Takahashi will not be at tomorrow’s Forbidden Door pay-per-view because he has a fever and cannot travel to the United States. The match has been changed to a Trios match between the Dudes With Attitude (Sting, Darby Allin, and Shingo Takagi) against The Young Bucks and Phantasmo with Hikuleo in […]

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from Wrestling News

Friday, June 24, 2022

Two WWE stars turned heel on Friday Night SmackDown

On tonight’s episode of WWE Friday Night SmackDown, they continued to push the split between Jinder Mahal and Shanky and there was a heel turn for a returning tag team. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston were scheduled to face Shanky and Mahal tonight but the match never got started because Woods and Kingston wanted a […]

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from Wrestling News

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results for June 24, 2022

WWE Friday Night SmackDown June 24th, 2022 The Moody Center Austin, Texas Welcome to our live coverage of WWE Friday Night SmackDown, which is emanating from The Moody Center in Austin, Texas. Announced for tonight’s show, Gunther will defend his newly won Intercontinental Championship against Ricochet in a rematch, Shinsuke Nakamura will battle Sami Zayn […]

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from Wrestling News

UNDERTAKER 1 deadMAN SHOW comes to Nashville July 29

from WWE: WWE News

Drew McIntyre to lay out his road to the Undisputed WWE Universal Title

from WWE: WWE News

Drew McIntyre segment announced for tonight’s WWE SmackDown

WWE continues to announce things for tonight’s episode of Friday Night SmackDown as a new segment featuring Drew McIntyre has been confirmed. On the June 10th episode of SmackDown, McIntyre battled Sheamus to a no-contest in a Money in the Bank Qualifying Match. WWE Official Adam Pearce later confirmed both stars will compete in the […]

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from Wrestling News

IMPACT Wrestling Supports Gisele Shaw

IMPACT Wrestling Knockout competitor Gisele Shaw has disclosed she is a transgender woman to the wider public. Shaw, who joined IMPACT’s roster in January of this year, informed IMPACT of her decision several months ago and made the disclosure in a series of interviews today.

IMPACT Wrestling fully supports Gisele, including connecting her with prominent LGBTQ+ resources, including GLAAD and Athlete Ally, and will continue to support her.

IMPACT Wrestling Executive Vice-President Scott D’Amore said: “IMPACT Wrestling has been at the forefront of empowering female performers for over 15 years. Our company believes featuring storylines with women athletes and characters from all different walks of life can not only entertain, but also inspire.

“Inclusiveness and representation are important to IMPACT and parent company Anthem Sports & Entertainment, but I’ll also add Gisele is in IMPACT Wrestling because of her wrestling ability, her charisma and because she fits in with our roster. She is in IMPACT Wrestling because she’s one of the best young talents anywhere in the business.”

Reigning IMPACT Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace expressed her whole-hearted support for Shaw’s decision. She said: “As her friend, I’m excited for Gisele to be able to inspire people with her story. I know that is important to her. I’m biased, but I think the trans community has a great role-model in her.”

from IMPACT Wrestling

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Cody Hall talks living up to his father’s legacy, whether WWE ever reached out about a tryout

Cody Hall, the son of Scott Hall, made an appearance on INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet. The following highlights were sent to us: On wearing his father’s WWE Hall of Fame ring: “I mean I would much rather have my father than the ring, but it takes me back to all the memories. All the […]

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from Wrestling News

Smith and Carter to defend NXT UK Tag Team Championship against Brooks and Jensen

from WWE: WWE News

WATCH: Big E shows off his neck movement without a brace

Big E has kept fans in the loop since suffering a broken neck and fractures to his C1 and C6 vertebrae on an episode of SmackDown earlier this year. He recently shared that he had thrown his neck brace that he’s been in since the injury in the trash. While responding to a fan on […]

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from Wrestling News

Get exclusive WWE Merchandise at the WWE Money in the Bank Store at MGM Grand

from WWE: WWE News

Matt Hardy clarifies his injury status

Matt Hardy was seemingly just one of the several AEW stars dealing with injuries right now. Other wrestlers on the sidelines injured Anthony Bowens, Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, Darius Martin, Lee Johnson, Red Velvet, and The Bunny. Hardy was reportedly banged up following his appearance at AAA’s TripleMania XXX: Tijuana event last weekend where he […]

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from Wrestling News

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

WWE’s Rhea Ripley dealing with a brain injury

It looks like Rhea Ripley’s injury is more serious than we thought. Under a recent Instagram post, Ripley responded to a fan who said that she didn’t look like someone who was injured. Ripley was not at Raw on Monday and she was pulled out of the Raw Women’s Title match with Bianca Belair because […]

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from Wrestling News

IMPACT! on AXS TV Preview: June 23, 2022

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Eight nights away from Against All Odds, the fallout from Slammiversary begins on an all-new IMPACT! this Thursday at 8/7c on AXS TV and 8:30pm ET on YouTube for IMPACT Insiders.

Following a grueling victory over Eric Young to retain the IMPACT World Title at Slammiversary, Josh Alexander thwarted an attack from Joe Doering and Deaner with the help of IMPACT stars from the past and present. With the undefeated Joe Doering set to receive the next title opportunity at Against All Odds, Alexander continues his fight against Violent By Design when he battles Deaner this Thursday! Will the “Walking Weapon” continue his wave of momentum or will Deaner exact revenge in the name of Violent By Design?

History was made at Slammiversary when Jordynne Grace toppled four other competitors to win the Knockouts World Title and become the first-ever Queen of the Mountain. During the match, Mia Yim sent Chelsea Green and Deonna Purrazzo soaring off the top of a ladder through two tables on the floor. Now Green is out to even the score when she goes one-on-one with “The HBIC” this Thursday!

The action begins Before the IMPACT, streaming this Thursday at 7:30pm ET exclusively on IMPACT PlusYouTube and Facebook. After making his IMPACT return in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary, Andrew Everett turns his attention towards the daunting Black Taurus! Plus, Gia MillerJosh Mathews and George Iceman get you ready for all things IMPACT.


  • USA: Thursdays 8pm ET on AXS TV, Thursdays 8:30pm ET on YouTube (IMPACT Insiders), Thursdays 10pm ET on IMPACT Plus

from IMPACT Wrestling

“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan shares update on his battle with cancer

WWE Hall Of Famer “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan is staying motivated to beat cancer again. Duggan was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and had surgery last October to remove his prostate. Last month, he announced that he would get treatment for 8 weeks for 5 days per week but doctors are optimistic that they caught […]

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from Wrestling News

Sanga looks to knock Xyon Quinn down to size

from WWE: WWE News

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez take on Katana Chance & Kayden Carter in No. 1 Contender’s Match

from WWE: WWE News

WWE NXT results: June 21, 2022

from WWE: WWE News

WWE NXT Results for June 21, 2022

WWE NXT June 21st, 2022 Capital Wrestling Center Orlando, Florida Welcome to our live coverage of WWE NXT, announced for tonight’s show, Solo Sikoa will take on Grayson Waller, Alba Fyre will take on Lash Legend, Edris Enofe will look to prove himself as a singles competitor as he takes on Cameron Grimes, Brooks Jensen […]

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from Wrestling News

WWE Raw (6/20/22) draws its highest ratings since April

This week’s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw saw its ratings increase. According to Brandon Thurston of WrestleNomics, the episode drew an average of 1.986 million viewers on the USA Network, which is up from the 1.695 million viewers last week. The 18-49 demo saw the average rating be 0.54, up from the 0.43 rating […]

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from Wrestling News

Josh Alexander Defends His IMPACT World Title Against the Undefeated Joe Doering in a High-Stakes Clash at Against All Odds

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At Slammiversary, Josh Alexander proved that he is, without a doubt, the future of IMPACT Wrestling as he defeated Eric Young to retain the IMPACT World Title in a grueling contest. But the fight is only just beginning for the “Walking Weapon” as he must now turn his attention towards Against All Odds where he will defend his title against the undefeated powerhouse, Joe Doering. Recently on IMPACT!, Doering scored a disqualification victory over Alexander and with the threat of Violent By Design still looming, IMPACT Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore made the match official. Something has got to give in Atlanta as both Alexander’s IMPACT World Title and Doering’s undefeated streak will be on the line!

Who will seize victory in their battle Against All Odds? Find out LIVE July 1st on IMPACT Plus and YouTube for IMPACT Ultimate Insiders from Center Stage in Atlanta, GA! Tickets are on-sale now at

from IMPACT Wrestling

Monday, June 20, 2022

Vince McMahon made a surprise appearance on WWE Monday Night Raw

Vince McMahon made an unannounced appearance tonight on WWE Monday Night Raw. Much like his appearance last Friday on SmackDown, McMahon did not say much. He talked about Raw being the longest-running episodic show in the history of TV and he then talked about John Cena making his return next week. McMahon described Cena as […]

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from Wrestling News

WWE Monday Night Raw Results for June 20, 2022

WWE Monday Night Raw June 20th, 2022 Pinnacle Bank Arena Lincoln, Nebraska Welcome to our live coverage of WWE Monday Night Raw, which is emanating from The Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska. Announced for tonight’s show, Elias will make his long-awaited return to host a concert for his little brother Ezekiel, also, Becky Lynch […]

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from Wrestling News

Samoa Joe explains why he didn’t appear at Impact Wrestling Slammiversary for 20 year celebration

Impact Wrestling held its Slammiversary pay-per-view event on Sunday night, which marked a 20 year celebration for the promotion. Several past names appeared on the show whether that be in attendance or through video packages. One name was missing and that was Samoa Joe. The former TNA star took to Twitter to explain that the […]

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from Wrestling News

What’s streaming this week on Peacock and WWE Network

from WWE: WWE News

Shotzi says changing her signature tank entrance wasn’t her decision

On this week’s “Battleground Podcast,” WWE’s Shotzi stopped by to talk about how much of her true self is seen in her on screen character, and how she feels not using her tank entrance prop anymore. Shotzi was asked how much of her real true self is in the character she plays on TV: “NXT […]

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from Wrestling News

Ric Flair’s Last Match moving to over-7,000 seat Nashville Municipal Auditorium

The following press release was issued this morning: “Ric Flair’s Last Match” Moving to the Nashville Municipal Auditorium Additional tickets go on sale Friday, June 24 at After selling out The Nashville Fairgrounds in less than 24 hours, Jim Crockett Promotions’ “Ric Flair’s Last Match” will be moving to the over-7,000 seat Nashville Municipal […]

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from Wrestling News

Bryan Danielson’s AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door status is up in the air

AEW and NJPW will present its Forbidden Door pay-per-view on June 26. NJPW had Zack Sabre Jr. call out Bryan Danielson after his match at the Dominion event, but the match has yet to be officially announced. Danielson is dealing with an injury and the initial belief was that he would be out of action […]

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from Wrestling News

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Slammiversary 2022 LIVE Results

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IMPACT Wrestling celebrates its 20th anniversary as Slammiversary returns home to the Nashville Fairgrounds in Nashville, TN. Don’t miss this historic event LIVE TONIGHT at 8pm ET on pay-per-view!

The action begins on Countdown to Slammiversary streaming LIVE & FREE at 7:30pm ET on IMPACT Plus and YouTube!

Digital Media Champion Rich Swann vs Brian Myers – Digital Media Championship

Myers hits a back suplex on the apron to gain the early advantage. Myers wears down Swann with a chin lock. Swann catches him in mid-air with a rolling clothesline to begin building momentum. Swann hits a series of kicks for two. Myers comes back with a spear for a near fall of his own. Myers spikes him with a DDT but it’s not enough to keep Swann down. Swann connects with the 450 Splash to retain the Digital Media Championship and reclaim physical possession of his title!

Digital Media Champion Rich Swann def Brian Myers – Digital Media Championship

Johnny Swinger vs Zicky Dice vs Chris Bey vs David Young vs Shera vs Raj Singh vs Bhupinder Gujjar vs Shark Boy vs Crazzy Steve vs Shogun vs Aiden Prince vs Nate Webb vs Mike Jackson vs Steve Maclin vs Chase Stevens vs Slash – Reverse Battle Royal

Competitors surround the ring as they try to fight their way inside. Chris Bey, Bhupinder Gujjar, Shera, Chase Stevens, Steve Maclin, Johnny Swinger, David Young and Shark Boy are the first eight to do so and will now compete in a traditional battle royal. Bey hits Maclin with the Art of Finesse, eliminating them both from the match. The final two competitors are Shark Boy and Johnny Swinger with the winner now being determined by pinfall or submission. Shark Boy hits the Chummer to win the the match and declare himself the victory of the Reverse Battle Royal!

Shark Boy def Johnny Swinger, Zicky Dice, Chris Bey, David Young, Shera, Raj Singh, Bhupinder Gujjar, Crazzy Steve, Shogun, Aiden Prince, Nate Webb, Mike Jackson, Steve Maclin, Chase Stevens & Slash – Reverse Battle Royal

Slammiversary 2022 is on the air!

X-Division Champion Ace Austin vs Kenny King vs Andrew Everett vs Alex Zayne vs Mike Bailey vs Trey Miguel – Ultimate X Match for the X-Division Championship

Ace Austin’s X-Division Title is up for grabs in the high-risk, high-wire spectacle known as Ultimate X! Miguel soars over the top rope, colliding with King on the outside. Austin hits a Fosbury Flop over the top rope to the floor. Everett hits a snap German suplex to Miguel on the apron. Everett takes out everyone with a springboard corkscrew. Bailey hits a modified Ultimo Weapon from the cables. There’s a huge Tower of Doom out of the corner as Miguel is the only one left standing. Miguel spikes Zayne with a super Canadian Destroyer from the top. Bailey and Austin scale the cables and exchange strikes near the title. Everett joins them but Bailey sends him crashing to the mat with a head scissors take-down. Bailey fights off Austin and unhooks the title to become the new X-Division Champion!

Mike Bailey def Ace Austin, Kenny King, Andrew Everett, Alex Zayne & Trey Miguel – Ultimate X Match NEW X-Division Champion

Scott Hudson returns as he interviews the IMPACT Originals ahead of their ten-man war against Honor No More tonight. The Motor City Machine Guns, Frankie Kazarian and Nick Aldis vow to defend the legacy of IMPACT Wrestling tonight.

“The Icon” Sting remembers his time in IMPACT Wrestling.

Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The Influence (Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood) vs Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship

Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie reunite to challenge The Influence for the Knockouts World Tag Team Titles! Valkyrie hits a sliding German suplex on Dashwood. Rosemary goes for a spear on Dashwood but Rayne makes the save and drives her into the apron. Rayne and Dashwood trap Rosemary as they cut off the ring and prevent her from making the tag. Rosemary finally creates separation and makes the tag to Valkyrie who hits a thunderous Blue Thunder Bomb on Rayne. Dashwood cuts off Rosemary mid-spear with a running dropkick. Rosemary and Valkyrie hit double spears on The Influence for a pair of two counts. The Influence connect with The Collab on Rosemary but can’t make the follow-up pin attempt. Rosemary is back from the dead as plants Rayne on the mat to win!

Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie def Knockouts World Tag Team Champions The Influence (Madison Rayne & Tenille Dashwood) – NEW Knockouts World Tag Team Champions

Kurt Angle congratulates IMPACT Wrestling on 20 incredible years.

Moose vs Sami Callihan – Monster’s Ball

After being trapped in isolation for 24 hours, Moose and Sami Callihan are unleashed in a match with no disqualifications, no count outs and no shortage of weapons – this is Monster’s Ball! Callihan attacks Moose from behind during his entrance to jumpstart the match. Callihan pummels him with a series of steel tray shots to the head. Callihan is busted open following a shot from a steel trash can lid. Moose hits a Uranage on the hardest part of the ring, then another one through a table. Callihan and Moose take turns hurling chairs at each other’s skulls. Moose attempts a spear but Callihan traps him in a trash can. Callihan pushes Moose off the top rope, sending him crashing into a table at ringside. Callihan introduces thumbtacks into the match but Moose makes him pay with a powerbomb into the tacks. Callihan hits a Death Valley Driver through a door wrapped in barbed wire. Callihan connects with the Cactus Driver 97 for a very close near fall. Callihan powerbombs Moose into a vertical trash can, followed by another Cactus Driver 97 but it’s still not enough to keep Moose down. Callihan assaults him with a barbed wire baseball bat, followed by a third Cactus Driver 97 into the thumbtacks to win!

Sami Callihan def Moose – Monster’s Ball

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Briscoes (Jay & Mark Briscoe) vs The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson) – IMPACT World Tag Team Championship

Two of the greatest tag teams in all of professional wrestling settle the score with the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles on the line!

from IMPACT Wrestling

WWE Hall of Famer Sika Anoa’i passes away

from WWE: WWE News